20 year anniversary

Programme for the Anniversary Day and Reunion Festival

Car parking

When you arrive at the school, there will be car park guides to show you the way. We encourage you to park in the school's large car park.

Driving directions to the Ranum School car park.

Directions to Ranum Efterskole College

Arrival - check-in

When you arrive at the school, we encourage you to go directly to the information stand in front of the assembly hall and check in. We will hand out a Celebration Assembly programme with songs and an anniversary reusable glass for the day to everyone. At the info stand, there are several tables where you can find stickers and markers to write your name on your mug and make a name tag. It is important for all of us that you have a visible sticker with your name/year on your jersey.

Registrants for the Anniversary Dinner receive an envelope with an anniversary bracelet and commemorative gift.

Song booklet for the collection will be handed out at the in-check / info stand.

See photos from the different years in the ballroom and cinema.

During the day, pictures from the different years will be shown in the ballroom and cinema.


From 14.00-16.00 there will be cake, coffee, tea and water in the square. We hope you will enjoy the refreshments in the square and in the dining hall and not take the cake out to the whole school.

Community gathering at 15:00 on the lawn

We look forward to gathering all guests, current and former students, as well as employees for a big anniversary gathering on the lawn in front of the main building. We'll be sitting on benches, so it's important to wear outerwear according to the weather. If it rains - a lot - we'll split the gathering in two, so guests, alumni and staff will gather in the main hall at 15:00. Former students and current students gather at 15.30 in the main hall.

Vintage images immediately after assembly

A class photo is taken in front of the main building. We start from the school year 22-23 and go back in years.

Anniversary stall in the square

If you want to take home a memento from the day, we've set up a stall where you can buy an anniversary T-shirt, thermos, tote bag and stickers. You can also pick up your Yearbook if you haven't done so yet.

Nepal raffle

Support our partner schools in Nepal by buying tickets in the raffle. All proceeds go towards the purchase of school materials, school clothes, lunch programmes and salaries.

Accommodation / camping

It is possible to pitch a tent at Lien and at the Multi pitch. There are toilets at Svederen and at Spisesalen, as well as at Multikulturhuset on Saturday mornings.

Breakfast in the morning Sunday for overnight participants at the Anniversary Dinner is in the Seminary dining room.

The anniversary dinner for registered guests is sold out.

The programme starts with a welcome drink at 17:30 in the square. And ends with a late night meal at 23.30. During the evening there will be entertainment, speeches and sing-alongs.


17.30 - Welcome drink
18.00 - Starter
19.00 - Main course
20.00 - Dessert
20.30 - Simon Weaver Stand Up (former student)
21.30 - Bastian Da Cruz (former student)
22.30 - Open Air Concert - Retro Rebels
23.30 - Night snack

There will be a bar with draft beer, wine and drinks. Drinks during the meal are included in the anniversary party. It is also possible to buy drinks afterwards for DKK 25 at the bar.


Tapas, assorted tapanades, pestos, bread and whipped butter.
Hot smoked salmon sides, prawns, flash-fried tuna with wasabi sesame, beetroot grated salmon, served with pea shoot mayo, pea cream, bread and whipped butter.

Main course
Lamb roast with pepper and wild garlic
Roast beef tenderloin
Small roast potatoes with garlic and rosemary
Cream potatoes with red peppers
Tomato salad with Burrata
Salad with white asparagus, rhubarb, radishes, feta and almonds
Field salad with strawberries, green asparagus, cucumber, freshly shelled peas and tarragon
Bearnaise sauce
Red wine sauce
Bread and whipped butter

Brownie, vanilla ice cream and Danish strawberries
Fresh fruit

Night snack
Hot dogs with everything.

Become a member of Ranum Efterskole's School Circle.

Ranum Efterskole's school district is looking for new members among former students, parents and staff. The School Circle is the backbone of efterskolen and elects the board members at the annual general meeting. School Circle members must agree with the school's purpose, values and activities, and also act as ambassadors for the school. Final membership takes place after the next board meeting. Send an email to info@ranumefterskole.dk

See our timeline from 2004 until 2024.