02 Dec Newsletter 2 December 2011

Dear reader!
November and the autumn atmosphere was blown out by a huge storm that also pulled the entire copper roof off the stair tower above the main building. After the wind died down, we embarked on a fantastic Performance and Drama week full of energy and creativity. All students - except the poor sick ones - have been busy all week and have been working intensely on creating the performance piece "Are you sure?" The students have been based in their profile subject teams, but also contributed across these with acting, scenery, media, stage, sound and light, as well as costumes and make-up.

We are getting ready for the big crowds tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. In the mornings there are academic talks, where students are guides for their parents to find the right room and teacher for the schedule. At 13.00 the performance starts and then at 15.00 there is an orientation about Nepal and India on Saturday and about Ghana, Miami and the Nordic countries on Sunday. We are very much looking forward to seeing you!

Pedagogically, it has been a really nice 1TP5Week, with high spirits and many good conversations in between. Many rooms have been seriously decorated for the Christmas competition, and the teachers have also got elves, who are teasing and joking. The elf who 163 years ago came with the first exchange student from Baden-Ünter-Harz is at it again and when he is surprised he drops his elf hat in the most mysterious places. Of course, the finder gets a little present. The large Advent wreath reminds us all that the festive season is just around the corner, and it's a great source of warmth for the community.

This week we have sent out 250 invitations for the New Student Interview Day in February, and now we are eagerly awaiting the return of the interview forms so that we can prepare well!
We have also been working in the fellowships this week on the election for the 3rd profile period. The preselection "surprisingly" showed that the most challenging profile subjects and expedition objectives again received the most preselection votes. This is linked to an important financial priority and decision to choose the last profile subject for the boundaries have again been significantly extended. New profile subject ideas such as Cheerleading, Drama and American Ball Games when aiming for expeditions to the USA. There are also new profile subject ideas which do not aim so far away e.g. the quite unconventional and exciting offer "Body culture at street level“, which combines several of the profile subjects that were not so well received in the preselection, including street, circus, skate, visual design and media.

The ballot paper is now available for consultation by pupils and teachers until Thursday, when it will be sent home with the pupil on an extended weekend. The ballot paper must be handed in by 12.12 2011 - signed by parents/guardians (email is also ok). Deposit for co-payment must be paid by February 1.

Extended weekend next weekend. This weekend is a "stay-weekend" and therefore there are no classes on Friday, and the students have free time already on Thursday at 14.30. This means that we will encourage the students to go home or visit each other, so that they can discuss the ballot paper for the 3rd term, buy Christmas presents and, not least, gather some strength for the last 2 weeks. There is a final exam before the Christmas holidays start on 21.12. at 14.30.
Following these announcements, I have promised, on behalf of the voluntary parents' council, to make it clear that it is a completely private party that the students are invited to on 16 December - and that the parents' council is not involved.
Best regards and have a great weekend, hope to see you this weekend!
Just bring plenty of pocket money as the Nepal raffle and the Charity Café in Kærhuset are open.
Olav Storm

The 363 year old teen RE-Nisse from Baden-Ünter-Harz, found his true love in a Faroese nisepige, but lost his HoHoHo hat when inspector Mr Natgal at the 163 year old Ranum Seminarium switched on the hallway light. The Faroese elf-girl, with eyes as glittering as the herring's splash in the deep Atlantic, was transformed into a papier-mâché collage of her beloved home island. Only at Christmas does she come alive again, and then a little of everything happens at the old seminary. But never again do they make up the RE elf and the beautiful Faroese girl in her woolly elf sweater!!
By the way, I should tell Mr Natgal's replacements at RE that it is best to use the night shift number only in absolute emergencies and that the office is open from 09:00 to 15:30 every day... 🙂 🙂 .