
Newsletter 22 December 2011

Dear Reader!
The Christmas holidays have begun and it is very quiet throughout efterskolen until 4 January at 16.00, when students will be back in class.
Christmas is a time of joy and joy is contagious among 250 teenagers and 51 staff. With joy comes smiles and laughter, dancing and the joy is enhanced by good food and sweets, and not least when Santa Ib pulled by his two reindeer steers Rudolfine and Rudolfo 🙂

The tree of life got a hug in the schoolyard, while they sang "Now it's Christmas again"... and again and again, because Ranum Efterskole is a long way around.

Back in the banquet hall we called RE Nissen in 17 languages including Jysk, Køvenhavnsk and all the dialects of the islands.

The week has offered, in addition to book learning, and follow-up on the profile subjects Girl trip to Aalborg with shopping and socializing, and dining in IKEA.

Monday with winter bathing, mountains of meat, and boat nights, as well as hardball and Viking sword fights.

Monday day with winter swimming, mountains of meat, and bonfire night, as well as hardball and Viking sword fights.

On Tuesday we made Christmas dinner and in the evening the best decorated rooms of the year were awarded. It was a close battle and everywhere there were light chains, hearts hung from the ceiling, snowflakes drawn on the windows and Christmas sweets put out for the sweet teachers. In a few places Christmas trees had crept in, and in some rooms there were elves and elf-girls singing sweet carols.

Now the Christmas spirit has spread to 250 homes across the kingdom, we sent a Christmas card home with all the students and hope it has reached them.

With a big wish that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Olav Storm

Santa Ib and his helper, T.Sloth, hand out Christmas goody bags to all the sweet Ranum Efterskole students after being called out in 17 different languages and dialects!
