
Newsletter 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2012 - and an exciting half year of challenges. Ahead of us are the expeditions to Miami, Nepal, Ghana and India, as well as the Nordic countries in weeks 2 and 3. The profile subject expeditions have been prepared for months and the students have prepared their own projects and joint projects to ensure that they have the opportunity to experience the culture, society and especially the young people they meet on the trips. After the profile subject trips, the students in the profile subjects Nepal, India and Ghana, as well as Miami, prepare to give presentations to other young people at schools and in organisations. Book a presentation through a student or at info@ranumefterskole.dk.

3rd profile period starts in week 9, after the winter holidays. The count after the December vote showed that the following profile subjects will be formed:

Nature sports:
Practical diving classes in the pool & sea
Horseback riding

Street Performance

The new profile subjects will meet in early February and shape the content plan and objectives for the subjects.
Chearleading and Street Performance, as well as Drama are new profile subjects formed in collaboration between students and teachers, and it will be exciting to see how the community of interest shapes the subjects during the spring.

In addition to the profile subjects, new activity and movement subjects have also been chosen. Spanish, psychology and horse riding are among the subjects. A very large group has opted for the theoretical certificate and the aim is to pass the test before the sailing season starts in April.

In the coming week there are professional lessons and preparations for the profile expeditions, and during week 2 the different teams set off. The results of the term tests are evaluated during the next week and immediately after the profile expeditions.

On Wednesday 11 January, we invite you to the Efterskolernes Evening from 16:30 to 21:30.
Although all but Norden are away, there will be a tour and coffee on tap, as well as an opportunity to meet the students and hear about life at Ranum Efterskole.

We look forward to seeing the students again on Wednesday between 4pm and 9pm. At the same time, 3 new students will also start, who will all stay in the Seminariehuset and participate in the Miami profile expedition. The coming weekend is not a stay-weekend, but we would really like everyone to get ready for the profile expeditions, and have packed etc.

We are ready for an exciting spring and hope and wish everyone a super exciting new year!

Yours sincerely
Olav Storm
