
Newsletter 24 January

Dear everyone who has followed me on the last two weeks of amazing travel adventures to India, Nepal, Ghana, USA and the Nordic countries. Everyone is back safe and sound and we have once again been spared from really serious accidents and injuries!

Last night the last Nepal3 team returned to RE after a smooth journey home. The students from Nepal2 and Nepal3 are quite tired and jetlagged for the next few days, but are keeping busy and already this afternoon all profile subject teams are gathering for debriefing and preparation of travel presentations.

On the individual travel team pages, there are many stories from the trips, and although for several teams it was very difficult to post photos along the way. In the coming days and weeks, a lot of stories will be produced from all the travel teams and, on 17 February, there will be an opportunity to come to a travel presentation for parents and other interested people. We are aware that more parents may be on holiday in week 7 and therefore we are also working on a different date for the rounding up of the 2nd profile period.

This week, the focus is primarily on the academic subjects and on rounding off the profile subjects, while at the same time working towards preparing the students for the OSO and project writing in week 6.
Tonight is the Kærhus evening with fun for the Seminary House.
On the weekend of 4 February over 240 students and their families come to the New Students interview for their upcoming school year 12-13. It would be great if many students have the opportunity to stay at the school on Saturday and talk about their profile trips, everyday life at school and the subjects.

I'll follow up with a short newsletter on Friday, as usual. But now you are all informed that we are all back and that it has gone absolutely fantastic both in terms of experiences, content and not least safety on the trips.

Have a great week everyone!

Yours sincerely
Olav Storm
