13 Apr Newsletter 13.04 2012

Dear reader!
Easter was a much-needed break and an opportunity to recover before the last tough and challenging move of the afterschool year. Ahead of us is a short 3 months of full speed ahead with profile trips, exam preparation, Imprint Festival, 2nd Class Day, Parents Weekend, Open House and last but not least New Students Night. The upcoming profile trips have of course taken up a lot of the week, but there has also been a focus on the academic subjects in all areas. RIC students in particular have been stretched thin with oral exams all week.
During the last days one team after the other has set off on the 3rd and final profile expedition of this school year. The students are well prepared and although there are also many butterflies in their stomachs, I clearly sense that they are better equipped and more ready to face new challenges in foreign cultures. The theme for this period is The Journey of Formation, and this should be understood both as the journey out into the world, where the student himself helps to initiate the content and programme through his profile subject, and then it should be understood as a journey into the individual's understanding of himself in relation to the outside world. The task describing this process in general was set at the common meeting on Tuesday: each pupil has to seek out and make contact with a young person in the country visited and to become acquainted with his or her own life, thereby reflecting on his or her own life.
Adventure udford the mountains on mountain bikes and race Gran Canaria.
Riding and Gastronomy have teamed up to explore the Spanish riding school and southern cuisine.
Street-performance will be riding homemade longboards down the Rambla in Barcelona in a few days.
Sailing has set course for the Greek archipelago. More than 40 students have taken their certificate of proficiency, and now the theory will be tested in warmer climes than the cold Limfjord.
Practical diving classes in the pool & sea will get the absolute hottest water for their final exams in the PADI courses in the Red Sea, and they'll stay in a tented camp out in the desert, visit Bedouins and then have the chance to meet Egyptian youth and talk about their plight after the democratic spring is underway.
Cheerleading were the first to leave and they have landed safely in LA. Here, a packed programme of performances, shows, visits to cheerleading schools and training with local youngsters awaits. One foreign student got into serious trouble over visa rules, but it was solved by her parents taking responsibility for sending her on a flight outside Canada to LA.
Music and Dance are on their way to NY, and they will respectively dance and play music in very different environments that will definitely challenge cultural and ethnic differences on many fronts.
Drama is the last team to leave early Sunday morning, and has an impressively packed programme including 6 big performances, its own small shows, musicals, visits to drama schools etc.
There will be lots of stories and pictures to see here on the website - follow along under Travels and on www.facebook.com/ranumefterskole. Spread links and stories to family and friends so they can enjoy the experience too.
We are all looking forward to the many exciting challenges ahead and hope you have a great weekend and week too. We'll be posting news along the way - read on!
Yours sincerely
Olav Storm
NB. ABSOLUTELY last chance to sign up for solo skydiving course April 27-29 is April 21 by paying 500,- kr. to account 9202 0000138622 (give name and address on payment, and we will send you an insurance form, which you have to make sure your student has with him/her to the first jumping day - Signed! + balance).
Tandem jumping - takes place on the weekend of 4-6 May. - same procedure as for Solo jumping.