08 Jun Newsletter 8.6.2012

Dear reader!
Deep concentration and many emotions have surged over the last few days of oral exams. Constitution Day was celebrated with a big theme at the common assembly, and a great Constitution Day party with food, speeches, songs and good speeches on the stage in the school yard.
Rehearsal time is a challenge for young people. It is a very different situation for most students to be seated in front of 2 adults at a green table and have to answer for themselves to the best of their ability, without a computer, without dialogue in groups and without fully knowing the teacher's and examiner's agenda for the test. And so it gives food for thought to both students and teachers that we are putting young people in a very different situation that they may not have experienced before and weighing them in a way that is far from the virtues we set for dialogue, collaboration and knowledge sharing both in the classroom and, not least, in future working life. Despite a great and different pressure of expectation, there has been no great exam anxiety and overall the students have done well!
Next to the samples, repetition and own test preparation there have been activities in the form of SUPboard paddlesurfing, nature-tour, skate-longboard tour etc. It has been a bit of a task for the day guards to keep track of the students' shifting activity preferences, which have changed with the weather forecast, test pressure and the energy to get to the common practical tasks. As a result, there have been many clear calls from teachers over the week for pupils to follow their weekly timetable and make the most of the time they have left.
SUPboard training with guest teacher Caster Steinfath from Klitmøller. Casper gave a thorough and educational instruction in one of the world's fastest growing sports on the water. And more sessions are planned! The school has purchased SUPboards and the activity complements both sailing, diving and surfing nicely. See more at www.caspersteinfath.com

The Blue Book is being written and students have been given their school photos to review. Preparations for the final week are well underway and a committee has been set up to put on a big awards show at the Gala. And the starting signal has been given for the boys to invite a girl to the Gala Dinner. The boys have shown great imagination and creativity in their invitations in recent years, so it should be an exciting time with more surprises for the girls.

In the coming week there is first and foremost focus on the organisation of tests and then again there is a wide range of activities. Among other things, there is a trip to Aalborg Zoo on Wednesday. And there are certainly many who are excited about the last student party, where it has been announced that there will be surprises already from 14 pm. and before the students leave for their party. The Parents' Council is involved in all aspects and we hope that it will be a good ending for all participants.
During the week we have issued a invitation to all parents of the current student team for the final session on Saturday 30 June. If you have not received it, please send an email.
This weekend there are quite a few students at school, and a lot of exciting and crazy record attempts going on.
It's going to be a really good and nice weekend!
Best regards and enjoy the weekend!
Olav Storm