04 Nov Halloween, concert and sibling weekend.
Dear reader!
Week 44 was the first real autumn week. Wintertime brought brighter mornings, but the trees were bare from the first frost and autumn storm. The first student party, organised by the Parents' Council, was rumoured to have exceeded all expectations, and we did not notice any significant rumblings at the school. This weekend there was a reunion weekend for the former pupils. There were more than 350 of us and it was a really nice Saturday, where we showed around the school, had a great assembly in the banquet hall, and had fun in the new canteen, before ending the day with a joint activity in the Multicultural House. The final cohort had dinner at the school before heading off to their own big reunion party, dressed to the nines and in great spirits. See photos on facebook.com/Ranum Efterskole.

On Saturday the Thai students and their buddies went on an excursion to Skagen and on Sunday the Thai students organised a beautiful farewell dinner and an impressive dance show for the students. On Monday we all formally said goodbye, and even though the 10 girls would have preferred to continue their schooling in Denmark and at Ranum Efterskole, they had to return home for the start of the school year.

Weekly has also seen the start of the new profile subjects: Nepal, India, Ghana, USA, Nicaragua, China, the Nordic countries and Europe, as well as Japan. There is a lot of news in the Cultural Profile subjects and it is important to follow the current information under each Cultural Profile subject - under travel on the website. Throughout the week, the previous profile subjects have taken it in turns to show pictures and films, as well as tell the other students about their final expeditions. It is impressive what the students have experienced and great that they can enrich and inspire each other.

Thursday evening saw a concert by the band Cirkelkvintet and the mood was set to the highest level, as we also held a Halloween party with costumes and a very "scary" dinner, where it was only revealed afterwards that everyone had got a kidney, liver, lung and heart. This was hard for many to believe as it tasted excellent 😉

Thursday also saw the start of the new electives, and the whole school was buzzing. Swimming is well attended, but the most popular subject is Performance, which combines jumping, dance and street performance.

On Friday afternoon, parents came for professional parent talks and many had brought siblings for the sibling weekend. The last talks were completed on Saturday afternoon. November is a good time to put academic achievement on the agenda as term exams and choices for future secondary education await. In between the talks, parents could listen to presentations from the completed profile trips and enjoy themselves in the canteen.

The Siblings Weekend was a great success. The age range was from about 4-19 years, so the programme included sports activities, Disney groups and races, as well as a dark run, a hygge cinema and a community gathering. We are aware that many students were unable to have their siblings visit this weekend, so please feel free to visit on other weekends throughout the year. Thank you to all students and youth guides from past students for a great weekend.

This coming week we have a strong academic focus and follow up on the parent-school conversations. The goal is also to be ready for Project Week for 9th graders and Bridge Building Week in week 46 for 10th graders.
On Wednesday afternoon, adventurer, skipper and author Troels Kløvedal will give a talk for all students, and in the evening there will be a talk for guests, with the possibility of eating beforehand. The deadline for registration for the dinner is tomorrow, Monday. Tickets for the lecture and dinner are payable at the entrance. There is still plenty of room for the lecture, so just turn up early before 7.30pm at the banquet hall.
That's all we chose to bring in this Newsletter and I'm sorry it only came on Sunday, but that's only due to the busyness throughout the weekend.
Best regards and have a great week!
Olav Storm