12 Apr Concerts, short film festival, and travel preparations
Dear reader!
Once again, we managed to have a good after-school week despite the lockout. We are all a bit worn out after many hours of work and a still high pace of activity, and we miss the teachers!
The main goal of the month is being achieved: We all go on the planned trips, and you can follow us on Ranum Efterskole's facebook page.

We have during the week focused on subject repetition, and students worked independently in the mornings under the supervision of other staff. In the afternoons we have continued to prepare in the profile subjects for the trips in week 16. Pupils have really worked hard to shape and secure their projects for the trips so that the targets set can also be met. There have been many challenges in managing information around travel certificates, visas and contacts and without a fantastic back up from all staff and parents this would not have been possible! Thanks to all involved!
On Monday evening we were visited by Heidi Mortensen, who gave a unique and moving intimate concert at the Imagination loft. On Wednesday afternoon Gary Snider gave a concert in the ballroom and the rock dancers also moved.
On Thursday morning, students and staff organised a contact group relay around the Seminary building and there was total fighter will and fierce competition between the teams.

On Thursday evening we had a visit from the volunteer Parent Party Committee, who wanted to discuss the last student party with the students.Unfortunately, some of them had brought their own alcohol and stored it at school before the party. Therefore, the next student party will not enjoy the privilege of students staying at school and eating dinner before staying for the party. This was the consequence promised if anyone broke the trust, and so they have ruined much for others, and given the party committee a great task.

Today, Friday, we held a short film festival with the screening of 4 excellent short films. And the winner was chosen by net voting. See the films on Ranum Efterskoles FB page.
In the collections we have been following the escalation of the lockout and the conflict between the different parties. The students are well informed and all hope for an early solution. We are looking forward to more normal conditions, but have prepared another lockout schedule for week 17.
Over the weekend, all students and staff are off to the Red Sea, Greece, USA, Scotland, Paris, Spain, Italy and Koldkær, so enjoy the good spring weather here at home 🙂
Best regards and have a nice weekend
Olav Storm Johannsen