
Samples, Imprint festival and visit to Thingbæk Limestone Mines

Dear reader!
The written tests are now well over, both the Danish and the foreign ones. We have had no accidents or delays and the students have settled in very well. They have worked seriously and the vast majority have used the time to the full.
In between the exams, we have been focusing on preparing for the oral exams, which start in 1 week. The different subject teams have been going through the terms of the exams and the students have been working a lot on their synopsis.

On Wednesday morning, we had a visit from the Tamela Youth Group, which our Ghana team visited in January, and there was joyful reunion. Our guests put on an absolutely terrific dance show based on local stories from their lives and history. This was followed by a dance workshop for all interested and it was a great success too!

On Thursday morning, the students had individual test preparation and student photography, and at 1 pm the whole school left on a nature study excursion to Thingbæk Limestone Mines, where we visited the limestone mines with a nature guide, caught fish and prepared them for lunch. The nature and the beautiful sunny weather gave a great atmosphere.

Later, we set course for the Bælum and Aftryk Festival for after-schools, where the RE band Ymer Drys performed. The kitchen team headed by Lars J. provided a lovely dinner, and you surprised with a small fish pond for the sweet tooth.

This weekend there is a skydiving course for solo skydivers. And many students are on a weekend trip to Aalborg to participate in the Carnival.

In the coming week, there will of course be a lot of preparation for the oral exams. Teachers also have to write opinions and give annual marks. The performance and dance teams are rehearsing with music for their performance at New Students' Day on Sunday. The week also includes the last profile lessons of the school year. The divers are planning to dive for black lobster and the sailors are completing their practical trials on the water.


This coming weekend is New Students' Day and we encourage all students to stay and have fun this weekend so that they can also be there on Sunday to welcome next year's students. The new and the "old" will traditionally swap places, marking that now this team of students has crossed their own time line, as they themselves were at New Students' Day last year.

Best regards and have a great weekend!
Olav Storm Johannsen

