
Concert, homework, profile and masquerade

Dear reader!
The first regular afterschool week has offered great profile weather and lots of activities at home and outside. After the intro week, school life has become serious and the academic subjects have got off to a good start. The students also feel that there is homework and tasks in everyday life and homework time is not quite enough for everyone.Tuesday evening there was a concert at Imaginationloftet with Dance with Dirt and it went brilliantly.

The week has also offered a very special evening, namely Master Fatman evening, where all rooms spend an evening creating really good karma, agreeing on ground rules and talking about consideration between each other and the neighbouring rooms. It was again a nice and rewarding evening around candles and snacks.

At the community meeting on Tuesday, teacher Anders H. presented a guide to good pranks between students and friends, and he also touched on no-go pranks. At assembly on Thursday, the music team sang and played for the whole school and the atmosphere lifted the roof.
Socially, we find that students have settled in well and few are homesick. The mobile phones are back in their pockets and fortunately the pupils have shown good manners by not using them in the dining room and party room. At the weekend, the issue of taking away the mobile phones of 300 teenagers was discussed in a debate panel on DR Nordjylland and the outrage was palpable among the debaters. We were called oldschool and that it was typical for a school so far out in the country. We should do some chicken knitting instead. The debaters just needed to know how Ranum works and realise that teenagers can easily manage without their mobile phones.

The environment and sustainability are important topics for everyone, and at Ranum Efterskole we have followed the Information and DR's campaign "Our transition" - What do we do now? therefore we have created a student and teacher competition to find new ideas to strengthen everyone's awareness of the earth's resources and our consumption. The competition runs on the school's FB page.

In the profile subjects, several teams have been out of house. For example, Street Performance has been longboarding in Aalborg and Dyk & pløk has been underwater hunting at Hanstholm. Wakeperformance has been training in Aalborg, while we wait for the track in Rønbjerg to be ready at the end of September. The sailors have had great weather and both the experienced and beginners are in full swing practicing practical sailing for the upcoming cruise in Croatia, as well as for the practical proficiency test. Many students are not getting enough work done in the profile subjects 6 hours a week, and in Visual Design they are working late into the evening on Textile Printing, among other things. Here they are some of the Italian guest students showing off their cool designs.

This weekend our Italian guests are holding a Venice-evening with a masquerade and party at the Imagination Loft. Last weekend they visited their Danish boddies and they were very happy to see and experience a young person's everyday life and weekend in Denmark. They are leaving home on Tuesday, but keep saying they would rather stay.

The weekend of 14-15 is Friends Weekend and all students can invite 1-2 friends to visit. We'll put together an exciting programme, with time for sport, creative activities and relaxation. The programme starts on Friday and ends on Sunday at noon. The same weekend there are diving tests, so there will be a lot to see.

Best regards and have a great weekend!

Olav Storm
