06 Feb Newsletter 7.2.14
Dear reader,
We're back at school, re-energised after our amazing travels. Once again we avoided serious accidents
and this is mainly due to good preparation and skilled staff, as well as guides.
The whole school is filled with adventure stories and the pupils are busy exchanging tales and beautiful pictures from their travels.

Last week we celebrated Chinese New Year at school, so of course we had to eat with sticks, play Chinese games and
of course, Ning Xü helped to create a great cultural experience.

This week we have said goodbye to the 20 students from Malaysia who have been staying at the school for a little over a month, and given the students great
opportunity to learn more about their culture. In addition, they participated in the trip to Italien. We enjoy welcoming other cultures at Ranum Efterskole and giving students the best opportunities to expand their networks further.

Among the exciting destinations, we visited our friendship school in Nepal, as always.
The Nepal 3 team was interviewed by DR P4 during the week, the programme will be broadcast on Monday.
At the school, we are currently focusing on guidance interviews, with a view to which education students should choose for
next year.
On an otherwise grey Tuesday morning, happy students spread good karma around the school by sharing delicious chocolate buns.

The week also included a theatre performance by Opgang 2, called "Uro". The show captured experiences, thoughts, victories and defeats from the encounter between young people and adults. The week also included a concert by Keep Camping.

This coming week there will be home visits to the pupils' contact teachers on Thursday afternoon and on Friday the pupils can go home for a well-deserved winter break.
On Tuesday, the winner of our big photo competition will be revealed. with a Go-Pro2+ camera, but there are also prizes in each of the individual categories. You can follow the beautiful pictures on our new instagram profile - ranumefterskole, and give your judgement on who you think the lucky winner should be.

Best regards and have a nice weekend
Maria Jakobsen
Communications Officer
Summary in english
We have all returned to school after our amazing travels.
The school is buzzing with remarkable stories, and the students are sharing their experiences with each other.
The jetlag is almost over, and we are facing new exciting weeks at the school.
Last week we celebrated the Chinese New Year and succeeded in creating yet another great culture experience for the students.
In this week we said goodbye to 20 students from Malaysia, who has been living at the school for the last month.
We enjoy welcoming new cultures to our school, giving the students the best foundation for expanding their network.
Among our interesting travel destinations, we visited our friendship school in Nepal, and a couple of our students made an amazing video, which gives an idea of the school and the country.
In the following week the students have home visits at their contact teachers, and Friday all the students can go home and enjoy a deserved winter holiday.