07 Mar Newsletter 7.3.14
Dear reader,
Another week is about to end at Ranum Efterskole.
This week has been all about dance, as we still have a visit from guest teacher Lisa Clark, from New York. Lisa has been teaching the dance team, but in addition to that there have been different workshops every day, where all the students have had the opportunity to be taught by Lisa. It has been a great experience to have Lisa visit, and always a pleasure when we have the opportunity to welcome international teachers to the school.
Last Sunday, we had a visit from two international teachers from VIA, who are following a one-year student teacher programme. Wenting Liu is a teacher
and has spent the last six years working in international schools in Shanghai. She has moved to Denmark and is studying to become a teacher in order to gain a better understanding of the Danish school system. Raivu is from Latvia and is a student teacher.
Next week, they will take over teaching International Maths, among other things, as Claus Christiansen, who is normally in charge of teaching, is travelling to Hong Kong for a course.

On Thursday evening there was a carnival party at the school. The students had made a lot of effort with their costumes, and it was great to see
so many creative and beautiful costumes. The cat was out of the bag and the best costume was chosen.

You can see all the great pictures here.
At the end of the week we had a visit from an American student from San Jose. Julian is a Danish citizen, but has lived in the US all his life.
Julian is here to see the school, and attend the interview day, as well as the Open House event.
On Saturday we have an interview day where students for the upcoming school year 14/15 are visiting the school. On Sunday we will have an Open House from 13-17, which is a compulsory day for all current pupils as there will be no classes on Friday 14 March.
Students can therefore go home next week on Thursday 13 March in the afternoon.

Come on Sunday and hear about our many exciting academic offerings and profile subjects, as well as after-school life in general.
Parents of current students are also very welcome to come on Sunday and hear about the various presentations on the cultural subjects, which will include videos from the trips. The presentations will take place at approximately 2pm and 3pm.

Next week there are Cambridge oral exams in English, French and German.
Friday afternoon we ended the week with a community gathering and a terrific dance performance.
The dance team will also perform tomorrow, Saturday, at the interview day, and on Sunday at our Open House event.

Best regards and have a nice weekend
Maria Jakobsen
PR & Communication