28 May Lovely family weekend and New Students Day.
Dear reader!
The sun shone on the smiles at Ranum Efterskole this weekend. Although the turnout for the family weekend was low, as many students were at home for carnival, it was a really nice event with both time for activities and fun.
The lecture with brain researcher Ann E. Knudsen was a huge success and she captured everyone's attention for an hour and a half with clear points and reflections on the impact of the brain on behaviour and development for teenagers and adults. She also delved into the differences between the sexes and her points have inspired more conversations about our pedagogy and approach to girls and boys in education and interaction at the afterschool. One of her conclusions is that what the after-school offers the young people connects the two halves of the brain through new challenges, which particularly strengthen the empathic abilities.

She also emphasised that the pedagogy, language and 3 journeys of Ranum Efterskolen clearly strengthen, especially the creative learning process, because culture ties knowledge and learning to a context in a concrete experience. It was very exciting to hear and the response from the 200 or so attendees was really positive. This is not the last time we will use Ann E. Knudsen to inspire and trigger thinking at Ranum.

New students' day, Sunday, was a great day, with assembly, contact group time both for students and for parents. Students arrived in two large groups and only between 12- and 14 were all gathered for orientation on the profile subjects. Dance and Performance performed in the square. The kitchen was open all day and outdid itself with a great menu inspired by our travels around the world. Both parents and teachers commented that there was a really good flow throughout the day. Now we are really looking forward to seeing everyone again on 10 August.
Last week a large running team went to the Sildeløbet in Nibe, and many ran a ½ marathon or 10 km. Despite threatening clouds, it was a great running and community experience!
The current student team was on Thursday at the Aftryk festival and had a great day in the company of young people from 15 other schools. Our students were split into two teams, one of which went on a nature expedition to Rebildbakker before arriving at the Aftruckk festival for dinner and a concert with the RE band, and the other afterschool bands. Most of the students were there all day and were totally soaked by the music, dancing and sun during the 10 hour festival.

On Tuesday, the General Assembly was held in the Ranum After School Circle, and the board was renewed with Arly Møller Badstue, who replaces Ebbe Hald, who has taken up a position at the school. Preben Bro did not stand for re-election, and was given warm words to say after being an active part of the school's development and not least the recruitment committee for a good 8 years. Lars Lawrence was elected instead. The deputies were Asger Hunø and Preben Nielsen. The school's statutes were updated at the general meeting and will be available on the website in an updated version within a few days. After the General Assembly, a nice dinner was served and the evening ended with a visit to the now almost finished Ranum House, which will accommodate 102 new students in August.
In the coming week the oral exams start in earnest and the vast majority of students have to sit the exam. Students have had plenty of time to prepare and although many are nervous, there is also a good sense of calm and clarity - now is the time!
The students on the international programme have passed their exams, but are now taking a concentrated course in Danish. Today, they have been to Kunsten in Aalborg, as the end of a course on art and poetry.
Wednesday next week is the annual TV Recording Day, where a camera crew follows students in their subjects and in the profile subjects, as well as interviewing students about their experiences during the school year. The programme serves both as a catch-up and as an introduction to the school for new students. It will be broadcast over 6 rounds on Channel 4 in the autumn.
We use the day to create a really great community experience and the experience is that it also becomes a great end to several profile subjects.

The same morning we have visited by about 400 2nd grade studentsr from most of the Vesthimmerland municipality, and they will of course have an active world trip around Ranum's many offerings, where they will also learn about geography, cooperation and sports. It's all largely student-led, and our students are stars to the youngsters!
In the trial period there is a wide range of activities besides tests and reading for tests. All students have chosen from more than 85 activity suggestions that they and their teachers have come up with. There are both crazy and traditional activities, and one of the new ones is a giant baking contest. On Monday there is a football match against Himmerlands Ungdomsskole, and there are ongoing opportunities to challenge yourself in new activities ranging from wakeboarding to skydiving.
We've also kicked off preparations for the big closing day of the GalaWith the first day underway, the boys now have 10 days to invite a prom partner before it's the turn of the girls. In the last few days, all the couples settle in, and then it's time to rehearse launches, put on a revue, etc. The final days are both fantastic and a little scary at the same time, as the community is finally growing strong and the end is looming.
Many students have signed up for Nibe Festival after the school year is over and the friends of Ranum Efterskole support the former students by providing a common tent and making arrangements for breakfast. Unfortunately, the organisers lack adults/parents to take shifts in the tent, so it is important to support this and meet for parent information on Sunday 1 June at 6pm in the canteen of the seminary building.
Best regards and have a great weekend!
Olav Storm Johannsen