
Sibling weekend and professional talks

Dear reader!
The darkness of November has settled over Ranum, and we have lit candles on paths and in windows. Last weekend we held professional parent talks and many took the opportunity to set aside a sibling for Sibling Weekend. Although the theme was Halloween - spooky, it was a festive and fun weekend including a talent show, cake baking, sports and games.


This week students and teachers have started in earnest with the new cultural studies programmes, in which a total of 20 teams are preparing to go on cultural studies expeditions to a wide range of countries. We are focusing on involving students in the planning and setting common objectives for the cultural subjects.
On Wednesday, we were visited by 11 high school students from several different high schools on Operation Day. Among others, 4 students from Hasseris Gymnasium's IB line told about their programme for the international students.

In the academic subjects students have now received their standpoint grades and we have followed up with interviews, as well as held voluntary parent interviews last Friday. Overall, most students have done well, while a few have had a wake-up call. There are now 4 weeks until the end of term exams and therefore another chance to improve your score. On the teaching side, we have said goodbye to a few teachers. Among others, house coordinator Claus S. Christensen is now a full-time student and preparing for a longer trip. Rolf Iversen is the new house coordinator at Kærhuset, and he will be assisted by Thomas Sloth. We have also said hello to 3 teacher trainees and one teacher has returned from maternity leave. We are currently looking for a maths and science teacher, as a teacher will be leaving soon due to a maternity leave. pregnancy. It is unusual for us to have turbulence on the teacher side mid-school year, but we can look forward to no less than 7 births/babies over the school year!

In the morning gatherings we've been focusing on international news in recent weeks, including BBC World News in the mornings. This is in English, and fortunately the students are keen to keep up. This week, the deadline to enter the big photo, video and article competition passed. All entries are now published on FB and then it's time to vote. The judges are art director and teacher Nigel Hopwood and Martin Damgaard photographer at Nordjyske. See the contributions on FB. The image below stands out in stark contrast to 25 years since the Berlin Wall hit both the Brandenburg Gate and an entire nation inside.

Ranum Efterskole College has participated in a large Global Citizen project under the UNESCO ASP network. Two AS students and Mathew Dana, teacher of the IGSCE course participated and had a close cooperation with 13 other international schools. In this context, we have established a friendship agreement with the International School of Havana in Cuba.

Socially, we are heading into the winter season, and students are moving closer together, some almost disappearing into their room caves and at the beginning of the week a large group "forgot" to go to morning exercise, then we followed up with tribal rounds in the evening and in just 3 days, we are again close to 100% connection.

New proposals for profile subjects in 3rd period are pouring in: We have also started to form ideas and communities of interest around profile subjects for the 3rd term and there is again a great energy in the process and lots of exciting suggestions.We are preparing the election magazine in the next 2-3 weeks and are ready to send it out in early December. There will be an orientation on the options for everyone on Saturday 13 December, the same day as we hold the Performance Show and an orientation on the upcoming Cultural Studies Expeditions. Programme and Invitation will be sent out from the office on Monday.

In the coming week there is bridging for the 10th grade, and about 300 students leave early in the morning for secondary education in Aalborg and Års. The students are keen to have a great week, and we hope that they will also benefit academically and personally from the week. Students in Year 9 will write a project paper and practice working independently on a larger assignment. Each afternoon there is a dance workshop for all dancers with Lisa Clark and the following weekend we invite all dancers to a dance workshop on Sunday. See FB.

This weekend the theme is short films and creative workshops. On Sunday there will be a collection for the Danish Refugee Council. Saturday is also an education fair in Hjørring, where we set up a cinema with gourmet popcorn and a good story and film about after-school life at Ranum. Everyone is welcome to drop by, admission is free!

Yours sincerely
Olav Storm Johannsen
