04 Mar Safe in traffic, good start to profile courses and open house

Dear reader,
This week started quietly with a focus on road safety. René Holtebo Merrild - Ambassador for Safe Traffic LIVE, made sure to capture the students' attention with his presentation in the banquet hall.

In addition, this week has been dedicated to the profile subjects, where the students have thrown themselves into new projects and challenges with renewed energy! Both horse riding and wakeboarding enjoyed a few days of good weather, while the brand new profile subject pastry got to test out their fine motor skills with chocolate! Be sure to follow along on facebook, where both students and teachers are posting pictures from the new profile subjects.
This week has also seen a number of 'out of house' events. Equestrianism is today at the Stallion Show in Herning, while Sailing is at the Boat Show in Fredericia. Tomorrow, Diving is off to practice diving in the swimming pool, and our professional dance troupe will take part in a competition in Randers.

Our Open House event on Sunday has of course also filled a lot of the programme, as both students and teachers have been busy preparing presentations of profile and culture subjects as well as their trips. We are looking forward to welcoming the new students and other interested people on Sunday!
As you know, next week will be a bit shorter as we have a 'teaching holiday' on Friday 13 March and the extended weekend starts on Thursday at 14.15. We are looking forward to the next few days and we are looking forward to what the new week in our community will offer.
Happy weekend to you all!