17 Mar Solar eclipse, good atmosphere and exam preparations
Dear reader,
A nice spring week with focus on the academic, the profile subjects and exam preparation for our IGCSE students who will take oral exams next week.

It has been a quiet week without any major challenges. There has been a good atmosphere at school with happy and relaxed students settling into their profile subjects and preparing for their exams. In connection with exam preparation, Susanne Damgaard will be coordinating a programme for those students who get a little extra nervous before an exam. It is clear that we at the school are now looking forward!
Out of the house...
The week has also offered several out of house excursions for several of the profile subjects. Riding Karina Cassøe - owner of CK Dressage Aps in Hobro - visited the school for dressage lessons. Cheerleading visited a professional cheerleading team in Randers, to see how they do it. Especially the little cheerleaders impressed!

The Solar Eclipse
All week long, there was talk of the impending solar eclipse. Would the good weather last? Would we be able to see it properly? But as the week went on, it became clearer and clearer that it would most likely be overshadowed... So what do you do to satisfy 400 expectant students? Well... First of all, you contact a few airlines to see if they would sponsor a trip in the 'air bus'. Unfortunately Lufthansa couldn't as their pilots were on strike, SAS hadn't received our request in good enough time and Norwegian had no available flights! But this didn't take the spirit out of our students or our teachers... Instead they created a unique experience with the help of the hero "Le Chef"!

See more pictures and video from the day at facebook.
Next week
As I said, the next week will bring exam preparation and exams for many of our students. We therefore expect a little more quiet in the school - especially in the corridors around the exam rooms. However, the week may also end with a bang - Las Vegas style!!!

In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you that there is no Easter holiday from here until Maundy Thursday. This means that students will go on holiday on Wednesday, April 1.
We look forward to seeing what else the next week has to offer. Until then...
Have a great weekend!
Ranum After School