
Oral exams, spring cleaning, basketball and poker tune-ups

Dear reader,

It's been an exciting week of exam preparation, exams... and poker!!!


This week has been very much about professionalism. The students are clearly preparing for their tests and exams, and there is a calm and focused atmosphere in the school. All of our IGCSE students have taken oral exams in English and Chinese respectively. Next week we have exams in French and Spanish. The 9th graders had a math test on Monday night. 

Spring cleaning in Ranum

On the occasion of the general assembly of the local civic association, the students were out around the town to clean up. Paths, streets and green areas were cleared of old rubbish and litter. 

The winners of the 'garbage prize' were as follows:

  • 3rd place for most garbage collected went to contact group 23: Jesper, Anders, Jens and Peter. They won themselves 1 day off for morning exercise.
  • 2nd place went to group 5: Rikke, Emil, Signe, Sara and Imona, who won 2 days off from morning exercise.
  • 1st place went to group 32: Greta, Magnus, Oskar and Julie, who won no less than 1 week off from morning exercise!

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone for the good work in the city!

Ranum Efterskole College - Basketball Friendly 2015

On Friday we hosted an afterschool basketball tournament. 3 afterschools participated and there was jumping and cheering for the big gold medal. The hall was full of energy and the 'Half-time Show' with cheerleading and our performancehold was absolutely top! More pictures and videos from the matches can be seen at Facebook and/or youtube. Congratulations to the winners of the basketball tournament, which was HCI after a very close game, watch the last half of the final on youtube!

Sus's Palace - 2015 World Poker Tournament

Now the weekend is approaching and several have been working hard to ensure that this weekend will offer countless temptations! One of the students has designed the specially produced playing cards with the school logo. Games to be played, games to be won! The school will be transformed for one evening into Sus' Palace Casino, where the sense of time and place will fade into a magical world of card games, poker and lots of prizes! See you on the other side;=)

Have a great weekend out there!


Ranum After School
