23 Mar Travel, gospel, the European Parliament and 450 shooting stars.
Dear reader,
It has been a quiet week, starting with a joyful reunion between the students on Monday evening. It has been a week of enjoying the good weather on the terraces and lawns. And it has been a week in which the anticipation of the journeys ahead has been felt throughout the school. It's also been a week when spring sprang into the kitchen to once again spoil us - this time with 450 homemade star dishes - See them all at youtube!

Presentation from Brussels
Ole Præstegaard from the European Parliament was at the school on Tuesday to give a presentation about the opportunities young people have if they dream of getting some experience of working in the EU.

Extension to Ranumhus in progress
The construction of ranumvej 95 and 97 has started. The addition to Ranumhus means that the two houses will be connected with 4 new rooms and a hallway. It has been a great wish that the students could move between the two buildings without having to go out in the cold. The extension is due to be completed on 1 August.

Rune Herholdt
The profile subjects have spent a lot of energy this week honing talents, skills and knowledge ahead of the departure week in their respective subjects. The music team, who are going to New York, had a visit from one of Denmark's most talented gospel singers, Rune Herholdt, who told them about gospel from a historical perspective and taught the students about technique. The music team will attend a gospel service and are now a little more prepared for what to expect from the experience. Watch a short video below - Or watch the full uncut version here.

Follow us on our travels via Facebook
This coming week we will be going on our 3rd and last trip together of this school year. Many things had to fall into place and there has been a lot of preparation leading up to departure. The first teams have left and the last will leave on Sunday. Sailors are anxiously following the weather forecast in Greece, while Music and Dance, as well as Chearleading are pretty sure of a great spring in NY and LA.
Divers will stay on 3 dive boats and explore the Red Sea and Egyptian culture. The photo safari is in Barcelona, while the media team has entered Glasgow in Scotland at the time of writing. Fit for Life is in London and more than 120 students are now on the bus heading to Italy to alpine ski and snowboard. Water performance has headed to Turkey and Street performance is following Photosafari to Barcelona, the equestrian girls are in central Spain while the Pilgrimage team is in northernmost Galicia walking to the end of the world. Pastry and Gastronomy are in Italy. The Hardball boys are at home in
Denmark and will be visited by a number of exciting guest teachers.
There is no doubt that we all go out into the world with the joy of anticipation bubbling in our bellies. Follow our travels and get an insight into our experiences via:

Once all students have returned home on Sunday 20 April, we will have a gentle start on Monday morning with brunch and sharing of travel experiences. The following two weeks will see final preparations for the written exams, both on the Danish and international lines.On Thursday 23 April, we will be visited by provocateur Carl Mar Møller, who will add some impetus to the debate on gender roles and being a good boyfriend/girlfriend. On Friday 24 April in the morning, three war veterans will give presentations on their experiences as deployed soldiers and the consequences of having experienced war. On Friday evening, the student and parent party committee will hold a student party outside the afterschool, so that the students will be really shaken up again after their travels. It is important to stress that students who do not attend the student party can stay at the school and that we also provide an exciting programme for them.
Best regards and have a great weekend!
Ranum Efterskole College