
State of the World, Cultural Studies and Rap Concert.

Dear reader,

Students at Ranum Efterskole College broke the local record in collecting for the Danish Refugee Council last Sunday. Congratulations!

After a rather windy weekend we have had a nice calm week with mild weather. The days have been filled with academic teaching and lots of preparation for the cultural subjects. Some of the highlights of the week have been a lecture on World Climate, Rapper show, home visit with contact teacher, PVA show and new process of choosing profile subjects for 3rd term.

A cultural lecture that gave food for thought

The big cultural lecture of the week was hosted by the Climate Embassy: the lecture gave an insight into why society looks the way it does and - the focus was very much on what is not going so well in terms of climate. It was not uplifting and several students found it very negative and it gave food for thought.

On the edge with Pede B.

Rapper Peder B kicked off the week with a fantastic show "on the edge", of the linguistic nuances and with lots of energy. The following day, Peder B held an exclusive workshop for interested students and we are now hoping for a rap verse in the new Ranum Christmas song.

Focus on the refugee situation

In this week's joint sessions, we have focused on the refugee situation in Europe. These weeks we have a guest teacher from the asylum centre in Ranum, and his stories about his escape from Syria have made a big impression on the students.

At home with the contact teacher

On Wednesday afternoons and evenings, most contact groups visited their contact teacher's home, where they had fun, cooked together and played games or watched films. Several of the contact teachers come from abroad and live in smaller rooms at the school and in the city, so they gathered for a pleasant afternoon of swimming, eating together and socialising.

Preparing for Nepal's thin air

The cultural subjects Nepal Culture Trek, Nepal Friendship School and Nepal Himalaya Trek were together with Vintersport out in Urhøj plantation to train for the upcoming trips. High skies and autumn colours are good for the soul.

Diving lessons for cultural trips

The diving lessons are in full swing to prepare the students for the upcoming trips. The more experience we get now, the better prepared we are to enjoy life underwater on our travels.

Ideas flow in for 3rd period profile courses

During the week we also kick-started the idea phase for the 3rd period profile course. Ideas are pouring in to the Headteacher's office, but unfortunately pupils will have to be signed up for chocolate as this month we have a 'sugar free' theme at school. Some of the many ideas for 3rd period profile subjects are: Sailing, Horse Riding, Drama, Free-diving, Scuba Diving, X-Adventure, Motor Learning w/ Field Racing, C-Programming, E-Sports, Mountain Biking, Soccer, Dance in Beijing, Music in Nashville/NY, Golf, Fit for Life in Iceland, Self Defense, French Art and Design, Photo Safari, Movie-maker, etc.

P1 Photo, Video & Article awardshow

On Friday the winners of the big Photo, Video and Article competition for period 1 were revealed. It was a very nice PVA Award show with guest judges and very nice entries. The winners of the main prize were a GoPro 4Hero camera Watch the full awards show.

3 Best photo

By Henrik Bach - Diving in Egypt

Best photo

By Emelia Østergaard - Sailing in Croatia

Best of Best and winner of a GoPro4 camera

Rasmus Kleist Hørlyck Sørensen & Henrik Holm Bach - A day in Egypt - Diving in Egypt

Best video

Frida Tarp Høngaard - Berlinosaurs - Media in Berlin

In the coming week & good weekend

The ideas are very many and in the coming week we will make an overview in a Profile Magazine for P3, then vote on which profile subjects should be on the final ballot. It's a really exciting process that challenges students on interests, goals and especially social relationships, the process should ideally be completed by early December.

Next week we have Performance week with Christmas market workshops, dance workshops, singing, music, theatre, Christmas fun. It all culminates on Saturday with a performance for the students' families at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In addition, there are orientation meetings about the upcoming cultural studies trips, as well as elections for the 3rd term.

We wish everyone a great long weekend, and look forward to seeing the students back on Monday after 6pm for an unforgettable Performance Week.

Best regards and have a nice weekend

Olav Storm Johannsen
