
Awardshow, Int. rehearsals and open house tomorrow

Dear reader,

Tomorrow we will hold an Open House from 13-17 for all interested. Click on image to play the video.

The pupils give a tour and talk about their 1TP5Life and their many experiences abroad. Teachers and pupils talk about their academic programmes, and in the banqueting hall there are presentations about the school's profile and values. In the dining rooms there will be delicious refreshments and in the hall there will be the opportunity to try out a surf simulator. There are only a few places available for the coming school year, especially in Year 9 boys, but it is possible to get on the waiting list. There are places available for all year groups for the 2017-18 school year.

Theatre performance is part of the curriculum

Aarhus Production School's theatre line invaded the festival hall on Thursday and created a unique Voxpop inspired theatre-musical performance. The performance reflected young people's life situations and choices. Video is being prepared and will be available later on Facebook.

Gigantic PVA Award Show

The big PVA (Pictures, Videos, Articles) competition for the cultural period and the many cultural trips in January is now closed and the winners are:

Nature_Henrik_Bach_The Sea Turtle

3 best photos - Henrik Bach - 500 kr.

Best photo - Henrik Bach - 500 kr.

Best video - Sara Kaasgaard - 500 kr.

Best article - Our own little fairy - Nell Fingleton & Around the fireplace - Hannah Nejsum - 300 kr.

Overall winner - Silas Ørberg - GoPro Hero4 Black Edition

Video can be seen below. 3 best photos can be found at flickr and the article can be read here.

The result of the competition is impressive and we have never seen so many great pictures, videos and articles ever. The quality of the videos in particular has improved significantly since we conducted a One day Movie maker course for all students in the autumn. The purpose of the competition is both to share the many different impressions and experiences from the cultural trips, and to reflect cultural encounters and experiences in the cultural encounters.

Teacher and designer, Nigel Hopwood, has acted as the main organiser of the competition, with both internal and external professional judges. The top prize was once again a Go-Pro camera.

The international oral exams have started

The students of the 9th and 10th grade IGSCE programme have started the exam period and have this week been studying German. The exams are held in the main building and have gone according to plan. The exams are sent to Cambridge, and are assessed by external censors. The International Line oral exams will continue throughout next week.

This coming weekend there is an Open House and Stay Saturday. And Sunday is all about relaxing and recharging for the week ahead.
There are lots of preparations for the upcoming profile subject trips in week 15, and travel letters are being sent out and Facebook groups updated so that everyone can follow the trips.

Have a great weekend!

Best regards!

Olav Storm Johannsen
