
Schools' Exercise Day, Concert & Happy Autumn Holidays

Dear reader,

Picture from the Adventure team's trip to Sweden.

Everyone has returned home safely from their travels

All travellers have now returned home safely and have processed the many impressions. Pictures & stories are shared between students, new friendships blossom and you might feel yourself growing a little as a person. It is also the end of the 1st period but also the start of something new, namely the cultural subjects. Here we will expand the boundaries of where we travel. Before it was Europe, now it will be the whole world's cultures, as a place of learning.

Concert with the collective

On Wednesday we witnessed a local band singing through with a special energy, power and seriousness. It was the town collective, which is a residential centre for the developmentally disabled. Our students showed great praise in the form of numerous applause and positive shouts.

Schools' Exercise Day

Today, Friday, the whole school was out running either 5 or 12.5 km races to support the annual exercise tradition. And there was a great turnout and energy as well as seriousness to the event. Both from students but also teachers.

Schools' Physical Activity Day is a common tradition - not only for the individual class or school, but for virtually all schools in Denmark. It all started in a few schools on Funen 35 years ago. The day is an ideal opportunity to highlight the importance of positive shared sporting experiences for both pupils' health and well-being - and that it is healthy experiences that attract.

Friendship visit to China

A small delegation from Ranum Efterskole has been on a friendship visit to AFS headquarters in China, in connection with a fair for international schools.

Welcome to new AFS students

At the same time, we have been able to welcome a team of AFS students from Thailand and Malaysia. They will see and experience Ranum Efterskole College on an equal footing with our other students. They will experience the Danish culture, the Danish way of education and see a completely different world than what they are used to. We hope they will have an exciting time with us.

Welcome to trainees Mia & Mie

Help us welcome Mia and Mie, two 4th year teacher students from VIA Teacher Training in Aarhus, who will be interning with us during weeks 41 to 48.

They will try their hand at Danish, sports, Christianity, religion, history and art. (Those are the ones on the left).

Have a great weekend & EASTERN HOLIDAY!

Olav Storm Johannsen
