
A fantastic year of afterschool is now over - have a great summer!

Dear reader,

A fantastic year of afterschool is over. We look back on an eventful and developing year, with a lot of experiences and impressions, discover the following features.

Outrouge with a focus on community 
A good 450 attended the family dinner on Sunday afternoon and evening, and several stayed to watch the students practice their first lancets.

On Monday, we surprised the students with a trip to Fårup sommerland, where they had the opportunity to extend their friendships and support each other in overcoming the many wild challenges.

On Tuesday we had a big school clean-up and this year's football match between students and teachers, which against all odds ended with the students winning narrowly.

There was a lot of excitement leading up to this year's traditional football match between teachers and students. The students had pulled off a huge victory against HU a week earlier. With this victory behind them and a lot of confidence, the match was set to be really exciting. The teachers could almost hover before the match. However, they quickly came back down after the 1st half, the match ending 7-2 to the students.

Wednesday was all about the contact groups and a lot of people had brunch at their contact teacher's home. In the evening it was the last night in the room and REC Pizza delivery, provided both sweets, soft drinks and pizza to the door. On Wednesday at midnight, students finally met the dangerous REC monsters that have kept many from daring to do night-ends all year, and for good reason.

Thursday was spent cleaning rooms and in the afternoon students and teachers prepared the big Gala party. The Gala was the school's best yet, the menu was sumptuous, the students' Award Show was a great success and it was midnight before the tired students could go to their rooms for the last time.

On Friday morning we all threw ourselves into the big room-cleaning, and by the afternoon all students had moved their stuff into the depot and to the hall, where we gathered for memory-book writing and all-night fun.

St. Hans evening was a really nice end of the school year, the students first gathered for the teacher revue, then we all went in torchlight procession through Ranum town, and ended with symbolically letting the torches burn out in the common St. Hans bonfire, and sing the midsummer song.

On Saturday morning, parents and siblings from near and far gathered on the lawn in front of the main building. The weather was perfect and we had a great end with singing, speeches, dancing and lots of tears as the students hugged the Tree of Life for the last time of the school year.

It's been a great year for afterschool, with a record few educational challenges, the highest average in the school's history, the most friendship visits and the longest trips around the world. Ranum makes the world bigger in many dimensions, and now it's summer vacation.


Have a great summer holiday!

Greetings all of us at,

Ranum Efterskole College

