08 Dec End of performance day, profile selection and student party
Dear reader,

We round off a week that has been packed with events. Overall, we had a quiet week, which is probably considered quiet because it came on the heels of OSO, Project and Performance Week. As you know, afterschool life at Ranum Efterskole College offers students to choose subjects for P3, and this is going on right now. New subjects have emerged, and of course there are also returnees. We are extremely happy that students and teachers are part of a meaningful community around the elective.
All the courses that can be chosen in the 3rd period are available on the website. You can navigate there via the image below and explore the exciting subjects for 3rd period.

The last thing to say at the outset is, of course, that we hope the students have a fantastic party tonight. Last time it was a huge success with sensible, happy and caring young people and we have no doubt that will be the case for the party tonight when Haverslev is invaded by the angels and demons of Ranum ? ?
Happy party to the young people, and good weekend to all of you.
Performance week rounds off
Last weekend's performance day was a pleasant and joyful success. We are currently working on editing a film of the whole show "Opus REC". So we'll have to wait a bit longer. Fortunately, it's worth the wait. Until then, you can enjoy a few sequences in the film here.
Photo-Martin was over
The super sharp snapping photographer, Martin Damgård, was by, and as always he took a lot of great pictures. He is really good at telling small and big stories with his photographs. Click on the image below to find the album.

Özlem Cekic: From Føtex to the Folketing
Özlem came and told about how she has travelled from working as a cashier to walking the floors of Christiansborg. And then she talked about her successful coffee meetings, including how to meet people at eye level. She had some good messages that were certainly instructive and interesting to hear about.
How do we build bridges between people. I will answer this question in Ranum Efterskole, where 19 different nationalities attend. #dkpol pic.twitter.com/sHeGoYVNkk
- Özlem Sara Cekic (@cekicozlem) 5 December 2017
... And Özlem tweeted about it to her many followers.
The pictures can be seen in the album here.

We learned about Thai culture
Intercultural encounters and learning are part of everyday life at REC. This week, some fresh Thai girls took the stage in the banquet hall for a community gathering and talked about their home country. It looked something like this.
Events next week
The final exams start on Friday next week, so next week you have to study to be ready for them. Wednesday is Lucia, and of course that means the Lucia parade. It's usually a fun success. This weekend, the Millennium Falcon (the Ranum bus) is flying a group of students to Løgstør to see Star Wars at the cinema. The rest have the opportunity to participate in the wellness weekend, so there are also activities for those who are not interested in star wars and lightsabers.
We wish everyone a very good weekend.
Greetings all of us at
Ranum Efterskole College