
Contact group photos, IB visits and world class sailing

Dear reader,

It's Friday, and actually the fourth last one of the school year. In exactly three weeks, school will be out, but that's not something we dwell on. Not yet. The newsletter is all about the week's activities, and as you'll soon find out, we've had quite a few different things on the agenda. The oral exams have started (I think some of you have already been up to your ears in German!), we have had a very distinguished visit from an IB consultant and then generally we have had an excellent week with lots of outdoor activities. 

Welcome and have a great weekend.

Let's get this over with

There are certainly a LOT of you reading the newsletter this week who are here to see contact group pictures. Probably a lot of students. Maybe you're one of them? So let's not stall any longer. Below they are. We've heard in the corridors and on the water pipes that the contact groups have been extra creative this year, so well done and congratulations!

Ready for IB

We have come a long way in the process of building an IB World School programme at Ranum Efterskole College. There are a few steps left before we can be certified, and one of them is the visit of an IB consultant. We are there now. It's hard to get your arms down, because the students who will hopefully in the future have the opportunity to start at the IB CP in Ranum can look forward to two fantastic years. An individually tailored, international, highly recognised maritime education that provides access to universities, apprenticeships and workplaces around the world.

If you would like to know more about the IB programme and the system around it, follow the link here. 

Oral exams

Oral exams are well underway and we have had a good start to the term. Regular classes ended last Friday, so it's "study break" for the students now. However, there are a lot of evening activities that the students have been able to help decide. For example, there is bubble football, wakeboarding memory book decorating and much more. It is of course an important time for the elves, some of whom are finishing primary school. We wish everyone the best of luck - you'll be fine!

Decorating commemorative books is all the rage ? nice evening activity with creative expression 1TP4afterschoollife #ranumafterschoolcollege 1TP4Memoir

A post shared by Ranumefterskole (@ranumefterskole) on Jun 6, 2018 at 12:22 PDT

Olympic sailing in absolute world class

This weekend, two exceptionally talented sailing students travelled to Aarhus. Here they participated in a training camp, which was actually intended to prepare the sailors for the World Championships. The race included Olympic and World Championship competitors, so it was not surprisingly a big task for the two young boys, Stinus and Johannes. Nevertheless, they were allowed to take part, and as they said themselves, they didn't come last every time. "It was a really cool experience, and one of the times we ended up in the middle of the field as eighth last out of 17," says Stinus himself, and tells us that they became more and more competitive during the day. But they were up against some really tough sailors and finished last overall. On the other hand, they won probably the greatest experience of the day.

There were both 29ers and 49ers in the competition, and the Ranum duo participated in the 29er sailing.

? Do you know someone who is going on the adventure? ?️

Then there is still the possibility to start this summer! We greatly appreciate when the word spreads and the posters are shared
- will you lend a hand in sharing the lookup?  

Events next week

 Next week, the oral exams continue and we have a lot of great activities - follow us on Facebook and Instagram during the week. In addition, we have water sports weekend where students can look forward to trying wakeboarding, SUP boarding and a lot of other activities on the water.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend

Greetings all of us at

Ranum Efterskole College
