
Great start to the school year

Dear reader,

Another school year has begun with 430 wonderful students - and what a fantastic week it has been. Thank you to all you parents who last Sunday gave us your young people 'on loan' for the next 10 months. Since you said goodbye last Sunday, we have got to know each other a little better through fun, entertaining and, for some pupils, slightly challenging activities. We are sure that the next 10 months will be filled with a lot of great experiences.

Welcome to Ranum Efterskole College 

Unfortunately, the sun didn't shine as much as we had hoped on Sunday when welcoming student team 15. Instead, 430 expectant faces lit up the large crowd of teachers, parents and siblings. With raindrops falling from a greyish sky, people moved into apartments/rooms, listened to welcome speeches and sang along to community songs. Quickly, however, the time approached for families to turn their heads home and a lot of hugs and love were sent off. With the families well on their way back, the students could now officially call themselves afterschool students at Ranum Efterskole College 18/19.

Life as an afterschool student: Introuge

Since Sunday, we have been having a really nice intro week with a lot of 'get-together' activities. New friendships have started to blossom and each student is settling into the new environment. It is great to see how quickly new friendships are formed and how close some of the students have already become.

We started intro week by letting the barricades fall to the rhythms of Gangnam Style and a game of community dance in the multihallen. There was also time for a joint photo, excursion to the local area and introduction to profile subjects, while the evenings have been spent enjoying the company of others, such as ladies excellence and the gentlemen's course. 

Most of the time is spent together, getting to know each other and building bonds that will hopefully last many years into the future. Like the other years here at the REC, this year we have again beent at Tour de Ranum and Tour de Nærområde in the mussel town of Løgstør. In the different contact groups, the students got around the towns while different tasks had to be solved.

When we reached Thursday, it was time to come to the first profile lessons. Each student has chosen the subject that will help create their unique afterschool experience. Once again, new acquaintances had to be made while students slowly but surely got started on their profile subjects, which range between everything from e-sports to sailing. This day was the beginning of the first profile trip, which is only 8 weeks away(!). We can't wait to see where the profile subjects take our students this time around.

Level division

It was also this week that the students had to start with the academic subjects. Despite a highly inconvenient internet problem - which caused frustration for students and teachers alike - students have been leveled and are thus ready to tackle textbooks. It is important for us here at the REC that pupils feel comfortable in the classroom and receive the teaching that best suits their individual needs, so that they can develop in the best possible way. It will therefore also be possible for students to change levels if necessary.

AFS students on tour in Copenhagen

While all our new students have been settling in at the REC, our AFS students have been on a trip to Copenhagen. They left an empty and quiet school on Sunday morning, but returned to a school full of life and happy days yesterday. They have been around Copenhagen and seen all the capital's must see tourist attractions, such as Nyhavn and the Little Mermaid. Although it looks like they had a fantastic trip, we're glad to have them back again - just in time to join the colour party tomorrow.


Getting ready for the colour party

Tonight we bring out the big colour palette when the colour party kicks off. All the students have spent most of the day getting ready for the first party of the year, which is traditionally the colour party. Each contact group has been setting up some colourful tables in the hope that their contact group will win the prize for the best table setting. If this doesn't happen, there is still a chance that one lucky student from the group will win the prize for the most colourful student.

It happens next week

Next week will be a short week as the students already go on weekend on Thursday after classes. After two long weeks with a lot of new impressions it will be nice (FINALLY) to get the mobile back, come home and share all the impressions and experiences that have filled the students the last 14 days. Although we end next week early, there is still room for an introduction to the cultural subjects of the winter.

Remember to sign up for Vilsted Søløb 

It's almost time to get back into our running clothes for the Vilsted Søløb and we encourage all you parents, siblings and students to sign up. The race will be held on 8 September and you can run between 5km and half marathon. If you are not so keen on running or want to bring the kids along for the ride, there is also the option to sign up for a walk and/or kids race. We look forward to seeing you for a really enjoyable day. Registration is on the school website, where there will also be more information about the race.

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Greetings all of us at 
Ranum Efterskole College
