
A week of celebration, colour and self-promotion

Dear reader,
Students are on a well-deserved extended weekend. It's been a busy day since the students arrived on Sunday 12 August, which means there are lots of impressions and experiences to take home and share. But it's also an opportunity for the students to slow down and recharge their batteries. The last two weeks have been filled with a lot of exciting activities, but which have also caused the energy barometer to drop a bit.

Colour party and House Cup
We ended last week with a fantastic weekend. We started with a colour party where only creativity could limit the costumes and table decorations. Each contact group had their own delicious colour combination, which resulted in everything from a fairy theme, to Easter chicks, to a duck theme. Later in the weekend, it was time for the annual House Cup, where all forces were brought to bear. The first winners of the year were the students of Ranumhus.

A joyful reunion with the mobile 
For 8 days the students have been without their mobile phones. Although it has been difficult to get through the first intro week without being able to take selfies, call home or make a new instagram post, it has also been a really good experience. It has allowed students to get to know each other face-to-face instead of with a cell phone as a divider. We hope the students have learned from the experience and that mobile won't take over.

Professional day in Danish
The team for Thursday's subject day was self-staging, which is the recurring theme of the Danish subjects in the start-up period. During the day, the pupils had to work through posters such as 'Everything we share' and 'I dream of...'. The posters gave students the opportunity to philosophise about who they have been, who they are and who they dream of becoming, which was also another opportunity to get to know each other in a new and perhaps even more personal way. 'Everything we share' was the opportunity to be brutally honest. For both teacher and students, it was an exciting task, with funny, difficult and personal questions taking centre stage:

Who in here is sleepwalking?

Who in here has been bullied?

Who in here is a child of divorce?

Who in here dreams of a great afterschool year?

Who in here brought a teddy bear?

Who in here is addicted to mobile?

There were questions in all genres and as you scroll down through Facebook, keep an eye out. Soon you will be able to see the results of 430 students' 30 minutes in the centre of honesty. 'I dream of...' was the task, where students had to philosophise about the future. Some students dreamt of world peace, while others dreamt of the possibility of clean rooms and delicious food in the near future. Now all that is left is to cross your fingers that all dreams come true.

AFS students
After returning from Copenhagen last week, our AFS students have been busy following the regular curriculum, but there has also been time for a little more creative expression. During the week, they have been busy drawing their sketch for a comic strip that will go up on the wall in the Seminary building. The all-too-white walls in this part of Ranum Efterskole College deserve a bit more colour, so we're pleased that our AFS students are keen to make their mark on the school before they go home again. Although our AFS students will only be here for a month, they shouldn't be deprived of an extended weekend. We have been lucky enough to have host families invite them to spend a pleasant weekend in their Danish living rooms. For both students and host families, it's a nice way to get to know new people, but also a new culture in a new and different way. We look forward to hearing how their weekend went.

It happens next week
Next week begins with a feature from the drama team at morning assembly on Monday. In addition, there will be presentations on the arts, as well as bridge building. The coming weekend will be all about the water with lots of water sports activities.  

We still have places available for this school year!

 If you have a son or daughter who would love a year at afterschool, we'd love to hear from you! 

Remember to sign up for Vilsted Søløb
It's almost time to get back into our running clothes for the Vilsted Søløb and we encourage all you parents, siblings and students to sign up. The race will be held on 8 September, with the option to run between 5km and a half marathon. If you are not so keen on running or want to bring the kids along for the ride, there is also the option of signing up for a walk and/or kids race. We look forward to seeing you for a really enjoyable day. Registration is on the school website, where there will also be more information about the race.

Day of the Afterschools
On 30 September, we open the doors to the Day of After-Schools. We are ready to introduce you to cultural subjects, academic subjects, travel and what life at Ranum Efterskole College is like. Students will be on hand to show you around, answer your questions and tell you about their everyday lives. We look forward to seeing you.

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Greetings all of us at 
Ranum Efterskole College
