
Girls Night eSport, Karaoke and Harvest Festival

Dear reader,
After a lovely weekend with friends, we've had a quiet week here at Ranum, but that certainly doesn't mean we've been bored. We had our annual harvest party on Thursday, while some of the evening activities included karaoke, Champions League and Girls Night in e-sports. Today all the students have gone home for an extended weekend until Monday evening, and in the coming week we will be preparing for Afterschool Day and the first profile trips.

Ranum Efterskole Open day
Come and experience Ranum and hear about afterschool life from students and teachers!
On 30 September we open the doors to efterskolernes day, and you can sign up for it right here or read about the programme and content here. Students and teachers are ready to talk about cultural subjects, academic subjects, travelling and what life at Ranum Efterskole College looks like. We look forward to seeing you.

Friends Weekend
We have now reached the middle of September and it was time for the Friends Weekend. We had joint photos taken of our students and their friends from home, and the visit from home was a success. During the weekend, fun was had in the corners of the school; some were busy winning in a game of badminton, while others found entertainment among our snakes in biology. While indoor fun was being had, others used the good weather to their advantage and took a trip out on Vilsted Lake. On Saturday evening, the teachers hosted a game of Lip Sync battle in the common room.

It was neither a concert nor Stand Up that lifted the spirits in the community hall on Tuesday evening. It was just an evening of karaoke. We wandered down nostalgic lanes with a duet from High School Musical, became children again with Elsa Let it go and get a little romantic with Ed Sherrans Thinking out loud. And as you can see, the students gave it their all in their interpretations.

While the vocals reached the high notes in the common room, we had Girls Night in e-sports and later a game of Champions League was switched on in the three houses. The atmosphere around the three houses was absolutely fantastic. Students and teachers were happy and enjoyed each other's company.

Harvest Festival
Yesterday we had our annual harvest party and what a party! Already at 3pm the students were getting ready for the afternoon and evening events. We had competitions in boot throwing, straw bale stacking, sack races and much more. Of course, we also had a rodeo animal ready for those who wanted to challenge themselves a little extra in celebration of the harvest.

Harvest Festival 2018

New Ranum Warehouse
We have also published this year's Ranum Magazine and we think you should take a look at it here. We'll be happy to send you some magazines if you want to help distribute them, just contact the office. 

Next week

Next week, we're setting sail for Afterschool Sunday. But before we open our doors to you on Sunday, we're holding a Saturday focusing on profile subjects.

We still have places available for this school year! 

Do you know someone who would love a year at an after-school school? Then send them this way at Facebook.

Greetings all of us at
Ranum Efterskole College 
