
Travel fever has come to Ranum

Dear reader,
What a week it has been since the last newsletter arrived! Last Sunday we had more than 400 families visit us, which exceeded all our expectations and therefore we could also start this week with a big smile and good mood. However, the week has not been quite like the previous weeks here at Ranum, due to the fact that our students are getting ready for their first trip. The first students are leaving today (Friday), while others will set off on new and exciting adventures over the weekend. However, as well as getting ready for the journey, we have also celebrated some of the school's most important people - our teacher - had a visit from two new AFS students and kick-started social innovation in PE.

Ranum Efterskole Open day
On Sunday, we were ready to open our doors to curious young people and their families. We had set all sails to show what a year at Ranum Efterskole College consists of, and what better way to do that than to let our students tell their stories and show what they have learned. In the multi hall, cheerleaders and dancers were ready to show how far they have come since starting school, while climbing was ready with a lesson at the climbing wall. There was also space for those interested to drop by our cultural classes and find out more about what exactly they are all about. The kitchen didn't stand still on Sunday either. Our kitchen team served up delicious dishes in our Food Court, while the dining room was decked out for the all-you-can-eat tapas buffet.

Social Innovation
In the last few weeks, we have had four exchange students from Romania, Finland, China and Spain, who will be studying in Viborg for six months. In this context, they have visited Ranum to focus on social innovation in sports education. Social innovation is a field that focuses on creating greater social relationships. Therefore, Wednesday's sports lessons were combined with social aspects. This meant that the students' strength was tested in a combination with trust exercises, while their speed and cooperation skills were tested in another exercise.

Visitors from India and Indonesia
Once again we have been visited by AFSers here at Ranum. This time it is Onque from Indonesia and Mahip from India, who will stay in Ranum for the next four weeks. The two AFSers will follow our teaching and thus also go on next week's profile subject trips. Although they have only been here for less than a week, Onque has already been sharing the Indonesian culture. On Thursday, she showed up to the evening dance activity dressed in a fancy Indonesian dress, as well as danced a real Indonesian dance. Both students and teacher who had turned up watched in awe as Onque took us to Indonesia for a short while with graceful movement.

Teachers' Day - Denmark's biggest applause
At the Friday morning assembly, we joined the rest of Denmark and the rest of the world to celebrate all the wonderful teachers. With applause, gifts and speeches, we did our best to show how much we appreciate the teachers here at Ranum and the difference they make. After a big round of applause in the common room, we continued the celebration with a delicious morning refreshment, which was of course a little out of the ordinary for the occasion.

Travel Overview
For the next week, the whole of Ranum Efterskole College will be travelling around the world. We are going on our first profile trips, and we are looking forward to it. We're really looking forward to it! This year, 20 different profile subjects are travelling the world, and like all the other years, you can follow the different profile subjects in their own Facebook groups, which you can find below.

You can also get the big picture here, where all profile Facebook groups are gathered. We look forward to seeing what our students will be up to over the next week and we wish everyone a really good profile trip.

Greetings all of us at
Ranum Efterskole College 
