
A suitcase full of new experiences

Dear reader, 

It's almost time for a week's autumn break and for us here at Ranum, we're looking forward to recharging our batteries after a week on the road. Our students have been away on their first profile trips and what experiences they have had! All the trips have been unique and focused on the students' own interests. However, community, fun and great experiences have been a common denominator for all trips. Highlights were many throughout the week and we have tried our best to pick out the best from each profile subject.

Close to Swedish nature
Both adventure and riding took on journeys to our neighbours to the north. Adventure started their profile trip off with a canoe trip, while later in the trip there was also time to get up to speed on mountain bikes. Riding also got a lot of time to experience the Swedish countryside on horseback and with food right down to the grass, but there was also time to explore Skåne on foot in the company of Adventure.



Diving in the blue of the sea 
As in previous years, diving has also been a popular profile subject during this period. Therefore, one half got to go to Malta, while the other half tried their luck with a trip to Egypt. In Malta, our divers explored a shipwreck, but there was also time to explore above sea level. In addition to a lot of daytime diving in the company of sea turtles, there was also night diving in Egypt.  


Training in Germany  
This year, fit for fight and yoga travelled together on a profile trip to Germany. In the morning, yoga was the focus before fit for fight started the day's tough training programme. This included boxing, self-defence and archery. While fit for fight was busy in the gym, the yoga team focused on balance and were introduced to new and exciting yoga exercises.


In England it goes well 
In this first chapter of the school year, England was a very popular destination for the profile subjects. Cheerleading, dance, drama, media, music and visual design had all taken trips over to our neighbours across the North Sea. Our dancers had arranged a visit to the Base Dance Studio in London, which provided the opportunity for some glorious dancing, but of course there was also time to wander the streets of London after dance practice. The dancers were taught by one of Michael Jackson's dancers - we thought that was pretty impressive anyway. While the dancers were busy moving to the beat of the music, our musicians took to the streets of Liverpool with beautiful music and later the tour went to Wales where beautiful scenery was experienced together with the visual design and media team.



Cheerleading was also in Liverpool, training at The Airborn Acadamy and there was an opportunity to get really sore muscles. The week was spent getting even better at cheerleading, but unfortunately there was also one accident at the beginning which meant one of the students had to sit on the sidelines for most of the trip with a broken arm. Despite the mishap, however, it looks like everyone had an absolutely fantastic trip.


World Heritage List in Turkey 
The UNESCO team had travelled to Turkey to see some of the many sites that have been added to UNESCO's World Heritage List. For example, the students visited Ephesus and Sirince when they visited our friendship school in Izmir.


In Denmark it also went well
Not everyone chose to go on a profile trip abroad. Gastronomy jumped on the train to Copenhagen, where a lot of gastronomic experiences were in store for them. One of the big experiences of the trip was the visit to Geranium, which is nothing less than a gourmet restaurant in the heart of Copenhagen. The head chef is none other than Rasmus Kofoed, who found the Bocuse d'Or in 2011, and the restaurant is also the only one to have received three stars from the Michelin Guide.

In Ranum, our e-sports team was back to go all-in on a week of e-sports in focus. There was no looking into a computer screen all week though. The students were visited by Fjallepa, a well-known streamer. He came by to talk a bit more about being a streamer, both the positive and the not so positive. There were also lessons on tactics, team communication and proper bedtimes. It all ended at a huge LAN party, NPF with 5000 participants. Here the eSports team will play in the various tournaments.

By bus to Spain
Patience is one of the words we must attribute to our students at Water Performance. For no less than 32 hours they were on the bus, first one way to Somo, in Spain, and then just the other way back to Ranum. But the patience also resulted in some amazing experiences in beautiful surroundings.

Sailing in Croatian waters 
In Croatia, all our sailors gathered for a really nice week of sailing, fun and wonderful experiences.

In Malta with guide and event 
The guide and event students were busy discovering Valetta, Mdina and then they also had a trip to the Escaperoom. The really good weather also allowed the students to have a swim and a ride down the waterslide.   


Time for a competition
In connection with the profile trips, we have set up a small competition for the students. In the near future, we will award the winner of the best photo, the best video and the best article from this week's profile trips. We'll also be giving away a Go Pro Camera for the photo, video or article that just has that extra something. It's exciting and we look forward to seeing the photos, videos and reading the articles about the different trips. Let the competition begin! 

We would like to end this week's newsletter by wishing everyone a very happy autumn holiday and of course a big WELCOME HOME to all our students and teachers. 

Greetings all of us at
Ranum Efterskole College 
