26 Oct After-school life calls after a week's autumn break
Dear reader,
On Sunday, Ranum was once again filled with happy young people after a week of autumn holidays. During the week, the students have been at home with their contact group teacher and attended a lecture by Niels 'Niarn' Roos. Of course, there has also been time for normal everyday fun, like when Kærhus held their own version of 'Man of the Day' last Thursday.

At home with
On Wednesday afternoon and evening, the students were at home with their contact group teacher, where the overriding theme was fun. (Un)cosy pumpkins were made for Halloween, layer cakes were made, films were watched, rock art was made and a lot of energy was spent in Rønbjerg holiday centre.

To a lecture with Niels 'Niarn' Roos
First he was a rapper, then we saw him in various TV programmes and then he became a radio host. Common to all jobs was that he was influenced by alcohol to get through the days. However, all that has been put on the back burner; the rapper, the TV shows, the radio host and the alcohol. Instead, he has become a lecturer and so, just like last year, he stopped by Ranum to tell his story and how he found his way to a life where joy is triggered by moments instead of alcohol. It was clear that Niels Roos had a lot on his mind that he wanted to share with the students. Through various anecdotes we got closer to who Niarn was and who Niels Roos has become.

Goodbye to the AFS
A month ago we welcomed Onique from Indonesia and Mahip from India. This week, sadly, it's time to say goodbye. Tomorrow (Saturday) is their last day in Denmark before they go back home. On Thursday, Onique and Mahip received their diplomas for being part of the AFS programme here at Ranum and then Onique showed us what a real traditional Indonesian dance should look like.

Onique was also phobic with gifts from Indonesia before Olav left for Asia earlier this week. They were traditional Indonesian gifts, combined with a twist of Ranum in the form of a small sailboat.
At trade fairs in Asia and Germany
On Wednesday, our headmaster left on a three-week trip, starting in Seoul, to tell more about Ranum and hopefully get a lot of people from abroad interested in Ranum and a year as an afterschool student.
School Year 2019/20 Reunion Day
Tomorrow we welcome all our former students here at Ranum. Some students will be celebrating 10 years at the school this year, while others will be meeting for the first time since they said goodbye back in June. No matter how far back after school life goes, we look forward to seeing our former students again.

Next week
Next week we will start the second term of the school year, focusing on cultural subjects, but also introducing some new activity subjects. It's also going to be one of the spookier weeks, as we will of course be celebrating Halloween.
On Friday next week we'll also have a visit from parents for the first round of parent-teacher conferences, and now that parents will be visiting these parts anyway, we've invited them to a sibling weekend, so we hope to see a lot of parents and siblings on Friday as the weekend ticks away again.
Greetings all of us at
Ranum Efterskole College