16 Nov Project writing on the brain
Dear reader,
This week, the focus has been on the 10th grade OSO (compulsory self-selected assignment) and the 9th grade project assignments. In addition, we have been at the JUMP fair in Vejle to open the doors for any future students who are wavering between starting secondary school or after-school careers when summer arrives again.

What will you be when you grow up?
How many times have we been asked what we want to be when we grow up? When we were very young, perhaps the dream was a superhero career or the noble job of prince or princess in the big white castle. As we grow older, dreams turn into aspirations that quickly become more serious than the dreams of childhood. This week, 10th graders had to write OSO projects about what they aspire to be in their future. They aspire to save lives, become the new Steve Jobs and help their fellow human beings who struggle with various psychological diagnoses. They aspire to report from the world's hotspots, provide entertainment in an often cold and cynical world and help those who have gotten on the wrong side of the law. This week, they were to explore job opportunities further, including contacting professionals who could give them more insight into their career choices. On Friday, the day included an oral defence of their projects, and it was clear that there was full focus on their future careers. Along the way, Denmark's future surgeons walked by, while the future radio hosts stood by with a short radio programme and discussion about the future of radio.

Later in the day, the focus was on performing arts education, as Jonathan talked about the disadvantages of an education where there is never the possibility of a permanent job, but only temporary work. Nevertheless, he hopes that the passion of today's actors will blossom in him so that he can get the training that will prepare him to continue the career he started when he was nine years old.

Who, what, where & why?
While the 10th graders were busy thinking about the future, the 9th graders were writing page after page about some of the big and small issues of everyday life, each of which has a big impact on our society.
The globe, the popcorn machine and a small group of students and teachers hopped off to Vejle on Wednesday and Thursday to attend the JUMP fair. JUMP is an education fair for parents and young people who want to find out about the opportunities available on the long road to education. We met a lot of young people and their parents and made them a little more aware of what Ranum has to offer.

Culture and performance day
On 1 December, we will hold a Culture and Performance Day, to which all students, siblings and parents are of course invited. So don't forget to register on the School Map, where you will also find a programme of the day's exciting events. The rest of you, though, don't be fooled into kicking off Christmas with all of us here at Ranum. We're also holding a Christmas market on 1 December, where you can come along and support our good causes around the world. You can read much more about the Christmas market right here, on our Facebook event.
On weekends it's the ultimate Christmas party, as we're having a Christmas party weekend, and not a day too soon! We'll be getting into the Christmas spirit before the Christmas market on 1 December.
Next week the 10th graders will go to bridge building, while the 9th graders will go back to regular classes once their project is handed in on Monday.
All the best,
Ranum Efterskole College