
Boat show, PVA and family fun

Dear reader,
We've had a fantastic week here at Ranum with beautiful spring weather, but spring also means it's time for mid-year evaluations of the afterschool year. The students have therefore begun their evaluation of their afterschool year. But there has also been time for a lot of other things. We have had visits from dear families, been to the boat fair and submitted the last photos, videos and articles for our PVA competition.

A Sunday of family fun

On Sunday, we had a great turnout as students' families came by for our family day. Each cultural subject had invited families to visit so they could hear students talk about their experiences out in the big wide world. They were treated to culinary delights, exciting presentations from students and fun stories. The day ended with a shared dinner before families headed back home and students checked in for another week of spring.

Cultural history from New Zealand and India

We continue our journey through this year's cultural studies stories with a video about the trip to New Zealand. Here, Clas and Mathias talk about their trip to the other side of the world, where the programme included bungee jumping, beautiful scenery and meeting new people.

While Clas and Mathias were reflecting on their journey, Dalal was telling other school students about her trip to Inden. "I thought it was really cool that the students were so interested in what we had experienced. In a way, they could see themselves in what we were telling them. They will probably go to an after-school school in three years' time," says Dalal, who has been to her old school in Aabybro. There were 100 seventh graders listening with excitement. "We told them about the HIV-affected girls we visited and the projects we did in India. For example, we went to the amusement park with them. One of the aims was to give them some good experiences, and I think we did that." Continuing, Dalal says of her travel experience that although the group of students had prepared thoroughly to travel to India, it was still a culture shock that certainly gave Dalal something to think about. "When the young girls go to the dentist, the dentist puts on five pairs of gloves because he doesn't want to touch them because of the girls' HIV diagnosis. This was very surprising for me to hear and I feel that after this journey I have become more grateful for my own life."

Photo, video & article competition
Traditionally, we are looking for great photos, videos and articles from this year's Culture Days. This week was the last chance to send in entries for the competition and what a great turnout we had. There are some fantastic entries sent in by students that tell some wonderful stories. Below you can see the different entries - maybe you'll find your own favourite.

Culture videos

Cultural images

Meet us at Fredericia boat show and in Randers Arena at Hip Hop International

Whether you're a water dog, a dancing mouse or a sailing skipper, there's a place for you at Ranum Efterskole College. We still have places available for next school year, so if you haven't yet figured out what you're doing next school year, we think you should come and say hello to us at the Fredericia boat show and in Randers Arena.In Fredericia we've been ready all week with surf stimulators, corals, diving suits and our brand new boat. The boat show continues until Sunday, so you still have time to bring your friends under your arm, hear more about life at Ranum and maybe find out who can balance best on a surfboard.

If you're not the biggest water dog, then you can instead take a trip to Randers Arena, where Hip Hop International takes place on Saturday. Here we will be ready to tell you more about the profile subject dance and some of the many other profile and cultural subjects that you can choose as a student at Ranum Efterskole College.

Boxing conference in Løgstør
Last but not least, we have to visit the Onion Big Boxing Club, which held a boxing conference and here Ranum was also represented by students who really knew how to give their competitors a fight.

Have a great weekend
Greetings all of us at
Ranum Efterskole College
