25 Apr 15th anniversary, EU debate and profile stories
Dear reader,
Welcome back - here's this week's news overview from Ranum.
After-school life has started again after two weeks of travel and Easter holidays. We have had many good activities and some students have even started exams. Being out and about has given us a lot of new energy and we are now ready to start the last term.
HuuRaanum - 15th anniversary
Even if you don't notice it - and it certainly doesn't feel like it - Ranum Efterskole College is actually just a teenager. A relatively young school. Nevertheless, we feel that we have a long history, not least because we carry on a long teaching tradition from the old seminary buildings. In spite of that, the school is doing well.
The flag was raised, of course, and there was cake for the whole school. Many of you have written congratulations on Facebook, and thank you very much for that.
Happy anniversary / birthday, Ranum Efterskole College 🇩🇰
It's no secret that a year of afterschool flies by. That's why it can sometimes be handy to look back in time a little, so you don't forget where you came from. Where you started. So that's what we're doing now, and you're coming too.
The first thing we're going to see is our very first promotional video, and it underlines how much has happened since we started.
Here it was Helle Dolleris in the multirole of a ranum student.
In 2004, the old Kærhus was built together with the adjacent building, and the first sod was turned for Ranum Efterskole. Back then, Kærhuset was all that Ranum was, although it may be hard to imagine today. As you know, the school has been spreading its wings ever since, and the boundaries have been moved year by year.
80 students and a solid handful of teachers were ready a few months later, and the rest is history.
In 2004, Nordjyske wrote an article about an exciting new project in the small North Jutland town of Ranum, which they called "First sod for new efterskole in Ranum".
Since then, the articles "Rift om pladser på efterskole" and "Første dag i ny efterskole" were published, both of which deserve a clear recommendation to read. You can find a large number of articles by searching for Ranum Efterskole in Nordjyske's archive. It is both entertaining and exciting reading. For example, Kristina Venneberg Olsen said: "I need to try something new, and I think it's very exciting to be in the first class of a brand new efterskole."
It was just a trip down memory lane that we hope you enjoyed following.
EU Thursday
"A great opportunity to satisfy your hunger for democratic education and debate." Mathias Kjær Rathmann told the students ahead of the debate evening.
The students had prepared questions for the candidates, who were ready to give an insight and overview of the upcoming European Parliament elections. Students also had the opportunity to talk to the politicians afterwards.
Handball against HCI
On Tuesday evening the handball girls and corresponding boys went to Nørager to play a friendly handball match against Himmerlandscenteret Idrætsefterskole. It's always fun to get out and see the other afterschools in the country, and the students had a really nice day. The results are secondary in this context - we focus on the good memories and the strong community it gave us, and leave it at that.
Travel stories on Instagram
As you know, we've been on the last Profile trip of the year, and as always, we've returned home with a lot of great experiences and memories. We also have a lot of great films and pictures, funny stories and moments, and some of them that the students have captured all by themselves, you can find them on Instagram. Here, the students have updated during their travels, and in case you don't follow them there, we've collected them and now you can see them by following the link below.
P1 Travel Stories on Instagram
The church floor calls
By the time you read this, the wedding weekend will already be underway, so be sure to stay tuned to our various channels - Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. There is a lot in the stove for a great night tomorrow Saturday.