31 May New students' day, last day of school and a film about Ranum
Dear reader,
Ranum has calmed down after a busy week, which has now turned into a much needed Ascension holiday. Most of the pupils have gone away for an extended weekend, and when they return they will be able to talk about, among other things, their first meeting with the new pupils, their last day at school, which turned out to be a surprise, and perhaps also about our forthcoming presentation and commemorative film. And there are all the other little stories, which you can of course also read about here in the newsletter. We hope you will read along. Enjoy!
New Students' Day
On Sunday, we welcomed all the excited and curious new students and families, and we had been really looking forward to meeting them. We finally put faces to the names and at the same time they met their contact groups and saw the school that will be their home after the summer holidays. Everyone gathered for singing and introductions on the lawn, and then they heard about subjects, travel, after-school life and lots more.
It gives a strange feeling for the current students to meet those who will take over the school next year. Those who will live in their rooms, have their contact teachers and sit in their seats. But that's part of the after-school cycle, that you have to pass it on when you move on in life. So it's no wonder that you get a strange feeling in your stomach. It's a sign that the year is coming to an end, and that means you're going to reflect on what you've experienced. There are big emotions at play, which is why it's important to talk about it with your peers, families and teachers. Hopefully, the knot in your stomach will be replaced by warmth and joy at the new friendships and amazing experiences you've had.
Last day of school
The students got a surprise on Wednesday. It was evaluation day, but when they came out of morning assembly, they were ready for the last day of school with a funfair theme. There was target shooting, watersliding, jumping, dancing and lifting. At each activity they could earn tickets to the big main attraction: lower your teacher into the diving tank. And they were!
2nd class day
Film days
During the week, two film crews followed our students' daily lives and activities. They filmed and interviewed for two presentation and commemorative films, which we are very excited to share with you. It will be a great memory to look back on many years from now and hopefully enjoy and reflect on your time at Ranum. We will of course let you know when the films are ready, so keep up to date on Facebook and here in the newsletter.
Inauguration of Livø Harbour
In brand new sailing clothes, a group of weekend students went to Livø to inaugurate the new harbour. The clothes were sponsored by the Nordea Foundation's Coastal Pool - they were sharp, and so was the sailing weather.
Family high school during the summer holidays
Go on an active holiday in week 27 or 28 with the whole family at Ranum Efterskole College. Click on the picture to learn more.
The coming week
Next week, oral exams continue and there are no regular classes. Break a leg for all those who have to pass the green board. You'll be fine!