
Start-up talks, Colour Party and House Cup

The students have gone on a well-deserved long weekend, and most of them probably need to recharge their batteries. The first two weeks are over and we are putting the intro weeks behind us. Now it's time to start afterschool life in earnest, and based on the fantastic start we've had, there's every confidence that it's going to be a great year.

In this newsletter, we look back on the week that was, and the weekend in particular has been a busy one. The colour party, the profile day and the House Cup on Sunday are just some of the activities that we will also cover here.

Happy reading!

Start-up conversations in contact groups

During the week, we had start-up meetings where we talked about how to create the best school year for each student. There are a lot of things happening all the time, and it can be a lot to take in. So it's important that we talk about what students need to be aware of about themselves, what they're looking forward to, why they've chosen to go to afterschool in the first place, and of course how we can work together to make this year not just a good year - but the absolute best year.

After the talks, the students got their phones back. And of course, many of them were delighted. But there are also a lot of people who have found that the absence of the phone has been positive in a number of ways.

Colourful festival

We briefly mentioned it in last week's newsletter, but the Colour Party was such a success that it requires another brief mention. Because some amazing photos came out of the creative costumes of the students and the contact group teachers - of course they have to be shared with you, so here they are.

Colour Party KTG PICTURES 2019

House Cup

Several times during the year we have an important event taking place in the House Cup. Of course it is not ultimately about winning, but it is about being active, strengthening the community in the houses and groups and of course having fun. There were a surprising number of good runners, and although the rain poured down at times, we had a super good day.

House Cup


A few months ago, we had a very talented film crew visit us to try to convey what Ranum is. And what we can do here at the school. It's not necessarily an easy task, because we have so many possibilities and stories, so the task of getting it all down in four minutes must be an achievement in itself. We are constantly evolving and the school is very much shaped by the student team.

In the film, the students talk about what it means to them to go to Ranum, and we have been very pleased with the result. So sit back and enjoy the next few minutes of the film below.

Marine Science on tour

Behind Kærhuset is Vilsted Lake, a unique area with an exciting bio diversity. Earlier this week, the Marine Science team went on a little field trip to investigate the water, and they found some fun little animals, among other things.

Creativity in design

Visual design has many exciting projects, and this time the students had to try to illustrate community in a picture.

Events next week

The water sports weekend next week is one of the things we are really looking forward to. It will open up all the profile subjects and activities that have something to do with water. We'll be spending a lot of time in Rønbjerg, which is our maritime base. We also have a lecture by Henrik Jeppesen, who has travelled all over the world. We'll tell you more about that later.

Best regards

From all of us at Ranum Efterskole College
