10 Jan Start of 2020, Afterschool Evening & Mads Marius
Dear reader,
The first after-school week of the new decade is almost over. The 20s couldn't have started better and we're off to a great start in afterschool life after a nice long Christmas break. Let's take a closer look at the week's activities and what else is new here from Ranum Efterskole College.
Efterskole evening
It's always exciting to see who and how many people visit us when we hold an open house. These are potential pupils and therefore the ones who will shape the school year of the future. Around 75 families visited us during the evening and were given a warm welcome, a presentation about the school, an experience of the profile and cultural subjects and, of course, a tour which also gave an insight into after-school life.
We've made a short video to give you a sense of the atmosphere at the Afterschool Evening, and you can watch it below.
In the foyer, the students who will soon be travelling to Nepal to visit our friendship school set up a table where they sold cakes, among other things. The aim was to collect donations for the school, which they have done very successfully several times during the year, and after the Afterschool Evening they were able to add DKK 1,200 to the total. The money goes to various projects that the students help to carry out when they arrive. These can include building renovations, well excavations and other vital necessities that help the school's children and staff.

Mads Marius: Fuck perfect
Mads Marius is a young speaker who knows a lot about the challenges of being a young person. Self-esteem, motivation, bullying, characters and a whole host of other important topics. He took the stage in the community hall and from the first second he had the students' full attention. And that can actually be difficult. We found that Mads Marius was extremely good at understanding and reading the students, and he quickly struck a fine balance between humour and seriousness.

Mads himself made a post about his visit to the school, where he tells and reflects a little on his visit.

Global Perspective projects
This week, a lot of students have started on a variety of exciting projects related to the Global Perspectives course. Among other things, films and posters are being made to encourage people to donate to specific causes and to raise awareness of different issues they have chosen.
Maya and Amilia are working together to create a poster to raise awareness about the friendship schools in Nepal and Malaysia. The poster will be hung up at the school and in Ranum town, to spread the word about the support work and encourage people to support the projects. "We really want to give people an insight into why it is important that we travel and visit the friendship schools. We want to do that by showing pictures and texts we have written about it. We hope it can make a difference," the two girls say proudly.
Global Perspectives is a Cambridge course that teaches students to think critically, research and collaborate. In other words, they gain a lot of experience and skills that they can use in their future careers.
RECamp: eSports
This weekend we're holding an eSports weekend and camp, which means a group of young people from outside the school will be coming to try out after-school life. And of course they'll be doing a lot of gaming. Gaming is much more than "just" playing computer games, and fortunately, many people have now woken up to this. When the game is on, you have to use your communication and strategic skills, and if you want to win, you obviously need a strong community.
In addition to the group of visitors, a few from our eSports pro line will be participating and, together with our talented eSports teacher, will help to provide an educational and fun experience.

Goodbye, Mr. Yuk
Three months ago, Mr. Yuk Kuenseob came to Ranum to learn about what a Danish afterschool is. He is a maths teacher at a school in South Korea, and there they have a dream of setting up an afterschool. So Mr Yuk came to Ranum to follow the teaching, especially in the international subjects, and in this way be inspired to start a new after-school in his home region. Mr. Yuk's stay comes to an end today, and he leaves with a great after-school experience. We've really enjoyed the visit and it's not just Mr Yuk who's had an experience.
We can learn a lot from other schools around the world, which is why we invite and welcome guest teachers from all over the world throughout the year. This is the part of international outlook we cherish at the school.
This week, a report appears on the South Korean news channel KTV. Made in collaboration with Mr Yuk, Ranum and a group of South Korean journalists and editors, it will be shown throughout South Korea. Of course, you won't understand much if you don't speak South Korean, but the interviews with Carl and the students are in English. It's very different from what we're used to seeing on the Danish news, which is why it might be fun for you to watch it.
In the coming week the cultural studies trips start, and we are very much looking forward to that. You can follow along on our social media pages, where all the travellers will be sharing their experiences.