27 Mar Common digging, reunification stones and digital community
Dear reader,
Read the newsletter in English by clicking here.
We wrote out on Tuesday informing you of the government's decision to keep all schools closed until 13 April, as well as school fees and travel finances. See School timetable. We have not learned anything since Tuesday, but expect the politicians to announce a package of aid for free schools similar to the many offers from the business community. We are going to have to put pressure on politicians not to make this school policy.
We're getting the hang of teaching and gathering routines, and we can look forward to much more of that. The contact groups also meet on Teams and Facebook, checking in with each other and sharing concerns and experiences. Thankfully, the feedback we have received is positive, and we extend a big thank you to everyone involved. Activity is the key word here, and if you have a suggestion, the line is open.
Let's get to the stories of the week. We'll start in the common room.
Community gatherings make a big impression
There is no doubt that we are in a difficult and extraordinary situation. But the unity we experience at the live streaming of the community gatherings is absolutely amazing. It gives courage and hope to feel the support of the messages we receive about them and it strengthens our community. Watch below.
Online community: more activities
Online learning and activities continue next week, see the table in the School Curriculum. Monday, Wednesday and Friday there is a community meeting. On Monday mornings at 8 am you can lie in bed and watch Peter Kristensen doing his morning exercise. Wednesday at 11.30 there is a music assembly with a "new leader band" and Friday there is an Easter assembly at 11.00.
Next week will also be the opportunity to propose activities during the trial period and the elective proposal form will be on the School Plan. We need to be ready for the restart!
Peter's version of "Ask Olivia". Do you have a question for him to answer? Send it to pk@ranumefterskole.dk - he'll answer (almost) anything.
Another thing, for those interested in such things, here's a link to our Mincraft server - there's a lot of fun stuff going on in there, so pass it on if you know someone who might find it fun. Connect to our newest server with unlimited slots and space - ranumefterskole.mine.gg:10002
Common baking on Facebook
Every Thursday there is a communal baking session where teachers, students and parents can follow along and make their own baked goods. Steen gives expert guidance and something delicious always comes out of it.
Did you get that? Otherwise you can do it via linked here - every Thursday.
The reunification stone in Ranum
In the hedge in front of the Seminary's main building stands a large stone. It has been there for 100 years and comes from a giant mound. No took much notice of the stone as it was hidden in a hedge. But it is a so-called reunification stone, which was placed in 1920 by the students of the seminary, as a Denmark won back Southern Jutland in a referendum. The border moved from Kongeåen down to the border we know today. The stone marks both a national event, when the Southern Jutland that Denmark lost in 1864 to Prussia, was won back. However, there is a stroke of thought on the stone and it mark that the last piece of land
down to the river Eideren near Hamburg had also come "home to Denmark". We are not nationalistic in Ranum, but the stone also marks that the world got a unique border, where it is the mindset (what you feel like) that determines whether you are Danish or German. This means that Germans got the opportunity to create German schools in Denmark and Denmark got the opportunity to create Danish schools and associations in Germany. This means that the border is not just a line on the map, but that there is room for cultural diversity and freedom for individuals to retain their national and cultural heritage.
The stone has now been freshened up by a stonemason, and uncovered. Its history is described by a former teacher in Ranum, Ove Bak, and on this link you can read more about the history: http://ranumibilleder.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Genforeningsstenen_version_2.pdf
"In connection with the reunification of Southern Jutland with Denmark in the summer of 1920, the seminarians in Ranum took the initiative to create a memorial to mark
of this important and very emotional event. They had a large stone block brought by horse-drawn carriage to the site of the seminary and the nearby rectory outbuildings. It seems to have been done by a group of young people in festive fellowship," the stone is told at www.ranumibilleder.dk
For the digital community gathering today, we invited our students to bring their own stone with their name and city written on it to be placed next to the Unification Stone. In this way, history is retold and the message of community is passed on.
At Ranum we should have marked the reunification in 1920 on 14 May with a visit of about 400 pupils from Duborg school. This event has unfortunately been cancelled due to the Corona lock down. We would have celebrated the "open mindedness" and cohesion by having all pupils place a stone from their home region around the Reunification Stone. Now we are starting by asking all of you current students to bring a stone the size of a large fist from your garden, local beach or home area. On the stone, write your name and hometown, and we have paint that will stick to the school. The stones will then be laid as paving around the Reunification Stone, as a symbol that in Ranum we bring together young people and cultures across countries, borders and regions.
The missing X came into place
For more than 10 years, a large X has been missing from the gable of the training school. Can you "figure out" what year it is? If not, ask your friends and maths teachers. We have also rediscovered the missing X and thus restored order to the years of the old teachers' seminary, later training school and today after-school
The reunification stone has been joined by another historical object. Can you spot it in the photo above? You'd have to be a ranumite or a day student to see it. But today, the missing X in the year of the old drill school has been put up. So now we can put a cross (!) by that task too.
Can't we just open the school and then you can be quarantined here?
Several students and parents have asked if it is possible to volunteer at the school and be quarantined in small groups. It would be cool if we could manage to do afterschool despite the Corona crisis. But - unfortunately, we can't, as it breaks the law and the conditions we as have to act on during the lock down period. You know that we are creative and that we have the will to make afterschool all over the world and we would have liked to set our own agenda.
Possibility to pick up things in the rooms!
As lock down drags on, more people need to come to school and pick up things in their rooms. You can use your badge key to get into the house and room, but you will need to inform your House Coordinator at School Plan that you are coming.
We would like you to come during opening hours, weekdays between 9-15, if possible otherwise make an appointment with the house coordinator.
That was this week's newsletter. Keep your spirits high and yourself inside, see you soon, hopefully.
Please write to info@ranumefterskole.dk, call 96 66 44 00 or you on the link hereif you have any questions. Thanks to all of you who joined the community gathering at Ranum Efterskole College Facebook live today at 11.30. We look forward to you being back and filling the hall.
Beautiful sunset over the North Sea: The picture was sent by a student from a walk on the beach in Løkken.