03 Apr Easter fun, commemorative sweaters and out in nature
Dear reader,
It might sound a bit hollow to say we're going on Easter holiday today. Everyone's home already. Despite that, it can still be very good to have time to relax, and then you have to carry on enjoying yourself at home. Inside, as it's still called to this day.
The Afterschool Association has made a nice slogan, which is called "We still go to school", and that also means that there are still activities and teaching - which you probably know is done digitally. And there's been plenty of that this week. We'll recap the week here. Welcome and thanks for reading along.
Important: There is a message on the School timetable for all parents regarding travel.
Steen bakes Easter snacks
Steen "Hüttemeier" Thomsen bakes on Thursdays as a regular feature. Of course he did so yesterday, and more and more people are joining in the activity - live from the kitchen. This week's baking turned into a batch of delicious and beautiful "easter balls", as the budding TV chef dubbed them.
It's really nice to follow the comments section where guests/co-workers ask questions and chat. You still have time to see the recipe for the pretty balls, which you can also see below. Click on the image to go to the post (only works if you're in the Facebook group).
Easter decorations with Tjalla
The always creative and resourceful Tjalla showed us how to make Easter decorations extra special this year with just a few remedies. Eggs, flowers and water. That was the recipe.
Click on the picture to get the recipe on how to make nice and decorative Easter eggs,
Walk the body with Peter
Fit for fight teacher, strongman and super biologist Peter provided an opportunity to get away from books and Netflix. "If you're like me and have been watching too much Netflix and sitting down too much, we're going to do a little workout". The message was clear. Get your body moving - at all levels. So below you have a free home workout that's sure to put some sweat on your brow and get your circulation going. We'd better get some work done, as Peter is always a great advocate of.
And yes. There are burpees. There always are with Peter. Watch and sweat along below.
Louise invites you to a yoga class
On Friday there was yoga with the talented instructor Louise, right after the community gathering. If you need to slow down and loosen up your body.
Live from Russia
How are things in Russia? Our EVS, Vadim, who is from Russia, where he has now returned, has sent us a greeting from the motherland. He tells us a bit about his situation, which you can hear below.
Easter Collection
Did you see today's collection? There was an Easter theme and good cheer.
It was also announced that the long-awaited commemorative jerseys have finally arrived, so the students can look forward to wearing them when they return to Ranum.
Fortunately, before the school closed, a number of students managed to send a naughty letter. They are now in Olav's office, and of course there will be chocolates for all of them when the sender returns one day.
Out in nature with Peter
If you would like to enter Peter and Peter's Nature Geek Competition (and you very much will!!) then please:
1) Download the Inaturalist app
2) Send your username to Me either here, on the school map or teams
3) Take lots of pictures and join in!
The message from Peter is: "I hope many will participate in this fantastic opportunity to gain insight into the amazing life that surrounds us! The prize will be a geek trip with Peter and Peter (we were dreaming of the Randers Rainforest, but not sure when it will open again - in any case, it will be a fantastic prize!!"
That was the pickup for the week. The school is still empty of students, and it will stay that way for a while. We still don't know for how long, but we hope to get on with the rest of the school year soon. Until then, we hope everyone keeps the wind in their sails and has a great Easter.