
After school life at a distance

Dear reader

The best thing in the world right now would be to tell all of you that our school would open soon. But the truth is, we don't know yet. We're still waiting for that green light from the Government, which is why we continue to prepare for our opening day.

The rest of the year at Ranum will most likely be very different from what we're used to, and that is the reality we're preparing for.

Birthdays: Two great personalities

The Queen of Denmark had the pleasure to share the same birthday as our lovely secretary, Ann-Sophie. We hoisted the flag for both of them and celebrated them as good as we could.

Friday singing and assembly

We're getting used to being together in the digital world, and our communities are still going strong there. Teaching, contact group meetings and activities are happening there, and it looks like we have to continue with that.

If you didn't see it, you have the opportunity here. There's a couple of messages for students and parents, and of course some songs - accompanied by our talented music teacher and administrative leader, Carl.

The creativity still lives

"It took blood, sweat and tears," one of the Art & Design students said. Although that seems a bit overrated, the assignment was to go out and find something to build a nature animal, as the teacher called it. This is a great example of what we can still do while were in quarantine, and the creative students did well in making their animals.

Art & Design: Natural animals

Nature geek quiz

Here are some news that's actually also a tip to all of you, who likes nature and misses a cozy activity for the weekend.

The thins is, Peter and Peter started a competition/quiz last week, and now they've found a winner. The rules were simple: specify the most species in the nature with an app.

Peter went live on Facebook, called the winner and surprised him with a prize of 500 kroner.

"We can't go to Randers Regnskov right now, so we had to find an alternative prize," Peter said. Rasmus was surprised but happy, and added "The competition was a nice break from sitting inside."

If you want to try the app yourself, just watch the Youtube video Peter made.

That's it for the news this week. We don't have a lot to add, but we just want to say thank you to all of you who are still following the efterskole life behind the screens. And hopefully, if we all follow the rules, we'll see each other soon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Kind regards

Ranum Efterskole College
