
Afterschools Day, Green Fingers & Emma Holten

Dear reader,

The storm after last week's escapades has subsided, and we landed fortunately on our feet again. It was a turbulent week, where in a few days we had to transform the Afterschools Day, which is the biggest day of the year, to be exclusively digital, and then it was finally announced that the profile subject trips would take place in Denmark. So it's been a week of ups and downs, but now it's time to look forward.

We keep the screw in the water, and the good mood can neither corona, edicts nor guidelines take away from us. And fortunately there has been plenty of that this week. Among other things, TV2 Nord visited the sustainable Green Fingers Project and Emma Holten gave a lecture on consent and internet rights.

All that and more - right here in this week's newsletter. Welcome to!

First, a quick note to all parents reading along. Parent conversations will be digital/online and links will be provided as soon as possible.

Behind the scenes at Afterschools Day

At Ranum, we are very good at navigating situations where things suddenly have to move fast, you have to change tack or invent something new in a very short time. The experience may come from travelling the world, but we were put to the test when we received the news late last week that Afterschool Day was to be virtual. "We've never done that before, so we can probably do it," was the first thought, and off we went to plan a day for the many people who had signed up and were interested in what was happening behind the screens.

Thought number two was considerably less restrained, but the plan was laid and we got a tour video filmed, a presentation on Ranum's values put up a new page on the website and planned a live stream that could rival even the best Twitch streamer.

We reached our goal and succeeded in creating the framework for a digital Afterschools Day. There were lots of enquiries from prospective students, and on Facebook and Afterschools Day since you can see how it all went.

The greenest fingers in Ranum

There is a lot of interest in the sustainable Green Fingers Project, and not without reason. Carsten and the rest of the team are doing exceptionally well, and the green space is growing and growing. It has even been heard on the water pipes that more animals may be added in the near future. More on that later.

TV2 Nord was among those interested, and they were of course more than welcome. So we had a journalist visit us, who made a nice report, which can be seen below.

Emma Holten: Internet rights and abuse

Earlier today, Emma Holten travelled all the way from the capital to Ranum to give a lecture. The talk touched on many really important topics such as culture of violation and digital abuse. Emma herself has been subjected to having nude pictures posted online without consent in the past. In response, she worked with a photographer to post new images online. She is now internationally known as a feminist activist with the project SAMTYKKE.

The lecture gave students a thorough understanding of feminism, internet rights, abuse and consent.

Explore Denmark: profile tours in the beautiful country

We are close to reaching one of the really big milestones in afterschool life at Ranum. And although the profile trips look different than we had originally hoped, we are looking forward to exploring Denmark next week.

Teachers and students in the profile subjects have been working hard to plan some cool trips, and the first ones are already leaving on Sunday. There's no doubt we'll make the most of the week, even if it's Samsø instead of Greece.

You can follow all the way, and you can on this page: https://www.ranumefterskole.dk/udforskverden/ (or click on the picture above)

During the week, the profile subjects will share stories from their experiences, so do follow along.

UWC: Bubble students teach IGCSE

Our IG students spent a fun afternoon with the UWC students. They had prepared a quiz and taught in the banquet hall, where they talked about online bullying, among other things.

Follow the life of the Ranum Bubble students at Ranum here: https://www.facebook.com/RanumBubble

Those were the stories of the week. Thanks for reading, and see you next week.

See you at the profile tours next week.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
