profile trips 2021

Profile tours throughout Denmark

Dear reader,

We are back from some good trips in Denmark. We are happy that it has gone well and that it has been possible to get around the country after all. The students have had experiences and built friendships, and that's not easy in this day and age, so we're both proud and happy to have got through the week so well.

We have certainly been reminded of how beautiful the Danish nature is and how many opportunities there are here at home. That said, it has of course also been some cold dives and different landscapes than we had dreamed of. But both teachers and students have worked together to make the most of the opportunities.

If you would like to keep up to date with the week, we refer you to our Explore the World page, where the different profile subjects have shared stories during the week.

Visit the site by clicking here.

And we've collected the photos from the trips in this Facebook post - click on the image below.

Motional races

It's not often that we are at home to participate in the Motional Race for all schools in Denmark, but we were today, Friday. First of all, we ran 5 kilometres, and then the contact groups and their contact teachers walked the beautiful route along Vilsted Lake. We are both lucky and privileged to have such a lovely place right in our backyard. On our Instagram you can see some stories in Instagram stories from there.

Go to Instagram here.

Here are the fastest runners - well done everyone.

Jaxstyle visits Ranum

And in fact he will do so several times. The first round was on Wednesday, when he gave a talk at school about his wild and perhaps somewhat tumultuous YouTube and streaming life. As our Henrik, our eSports teacher said, it was a huge hit and he could certainly inspire.

The next time he visits Ranum may be in imaginationugen, where he will follow after-school life and experience what it is like to be a student at Ranum. But there will be much more about that later.

Follow Jaxstyle on YouTube here.

Performances Friday

On Friday, Fit for Life, Cheerleading and Dance proudly showed off their new skills in the Multihallen, in great performances for the whole school.

The video teased a bit, and appears on the page. If you hold your phone horizontally and rotate it, you'll get a better view.

Watch the shows here.

The last word from here isWe wish everyone a happy autumn holiday and look forward to a new period with new activity and cultural subjects. Take care of each other and keep your distance - and keep the good mood.

Happy autumn holidays from all of us at

Ranum Efterskole College
