newsletter image 061120

Presidential election, dance video and 4 weeks of intense afterschool life

Dear reader,

This year continues to surprise us. And the world, for that matter.

Most of you have probably already seen in the news that parts of North Jutland are now shut down again. This is due to the spread of the new mutation of COVID-19 in mink, of which there are quite a few - also here in the area around Ranum.

Fortunately for us here at Ranum, it is not a closure to the same extent as we experienced earlier this year, and based on the guidelines shared by the authorities, we can continue after-school life during the closure for the next four weeks. We are of course very happy about this and it means a lot to the students.

We plan a lot of activities and let the students come up with suggestions to make after-school life come alive in the next few weeks.

But it shouldn't just be about the mutated minkvirus. There are many other stories from the past week, and they are here.

We followed the presidential election all night

... and of course that meant tired students the day after, but all in all it was worth it to follow the historic event. We warmed up with line dancing and political impro/freestyle rap. And yes, it does sound exactly like the words say. Students made suggestions like gun control, racism, sexism, and then Trump and Biden - here in the guise of the duo Rappolitics - rapped their way through the topics.

Special and different and cool. We won't forget!

Throughout the night, students updated with Instagram stories, where there were "Hourly Updates" and reactions to the results.

Click on the picture below to see how the night went. The last ones didn't leave until after 06.00.

During the day we also had our own choice, and here the result was clear:

  • Joe Biden - 82%
  • Donald Trump - 11%
  • Kanye West 6 %

If you're quick at arithmetic, you might wonder why 82+11+6 doesn't add up to 100. There's a good reason for that. Steven Bates, our much-loved American teacher, surprisingly got the last percent of the vote. We congratulate him, although he probably won't be moving into the White House any time soon.

Media makes dance video

We don't have a figure for how many hours went into filming and editing this video, but it doesn't matter, because it's done. It's a testament to the very sweet fruits of cross-profile collaboration. Dance and Media in a beautiful union.

During the week of the profile tours, we went together to Aarhus to make the video, and it was both a fun and creative process to plan and execute. Please welcome it. It's homemade and just out of the oven.


Biology investigates hearts

A funny little story from the biology classroom is that on Monday they learned about the anatomy of the heart. There are many ways to do this, but Peter, a biology teacher, had provided real non-living hearts for the students to examine. They were opened and examined and it was a fun experience for the students.

The most beautiful corals

Coral restoration has taken some nice pictures of the current corals, and they are simply too beautiful not to share here as well.

This weekend is dance weekend, and it's going to be different than we had hoped. The instructors we had invited can't come because of the new restrictions, so it will be with our own dance teachers instead.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
