
Visit of TV2 Nord, Afterschool Life and Imagination Week

Dear reader,

By the time you read this, it will be Friday afternoon. Vild Med Dans will be rolling across the screen in a few hours, and under normal circumstances, the students who were going home for the weekend would now be on their way on the after-school bus. But these are far from normal circumstances. Last week we told you that for four weeks we are doing a bubble where the students stay at schooland now the first one is over. Many students are used to being at school for longer periods of time, and for the international ones it doesn't really matter. But there are also those who need to come home and recharge their batteries, and we take care of them together.

We are moving closer together in the bus, as they say, and fortunately this is something that we as a school are very good at and experienced in. We can do it together. Just as we are now moving on to the weekly news from after-school life at Ranum.

We start with a report on TV2 Nord and the students' reactions to the bubble life.

"LIVE: Students stay at the school for four weeks"

All eyes have been firmly fixed on the seven closed North Jutland municipalities this week, Also a little over the Atlantic, but that's another talk. TV2 Nord therefore sent a reporter to Ranum to report on how our students fared during the four weeks, and the visit aired in a live news broadcast.

They caught Iben and Signe down in the Sveder (one of the common rooms of the Seminary House), who in the video below talk about what it's like to stay at the afterschool.

In the video, Olav also explained that a donation has been made to the school to help make life even more enjoyable during the closure. Every time you tell a student, they look back at you with huge eyes and open mouths. It gets even bigger when you tell others that the school is doubling the amount. If you're curious, you can hear in the video how much the amount is.

During the week, we collected suggestions from students on how to spend the money. And among the many suggestions for a huge party, we'll work out how best to spend it. We'll tell you more about that later.

An old friend returns

Students are not allowed to go to the supermarket at the moment, and that is of course a huge problem. But at Ranum we solve problems, so when we can't go to Brugsen, Brugsen has to come to us. And with that in mind, what was last year christened Snack Shack was reborn. Ranum Afterschool College's very own mini Bruges with all the favourites from the snack shelves. Giflar, iced tea, Cocio, Cokies, Pringles, noodles - it's all there, and MobilePay is red hot every night when Snack Shack opens.

Cakes that make a difference

Cakes always make a difference, but the ones we want to tell you about here make an even bigger difference than usual.

The money raised by the girls who made the cakes will go to help girls affected by HIV and AIDS in India. So there has never been a better occasion to eat a cake. A lot of staff, parents and students jumped on board, and the last we heard from the girls, they had reached over 5,000 DKK. That's great, and it's actually worth ten times as much to the girls in India when you convert the value of the money. Please send a thought to Nanna, Arianna and Katja - they have done so well.

Imagination Week: "It's all about dreams"

Every year we have performance week. Imagination Week, as we also call it. It's a week filled with creativity, space to dream and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the workshops and activities that are created. Students choose what they want to spend the week on, and it could be a Christmas market, baking, creating Christmas decorations and a lot more, or music/concert practicing playing and performing. It could also be film, making a film of course. We'll come back to the rest of the activities at a later date, and there will be more info on how to show you all that is being done in Imagination Week. But there's certainly something to look forward to for both you who read along and the students.

In recent weeks we have been preparing for Imagination week and the media team have been documenting this - as they will in week 48 when we have Imagination Week. Below we've collected a few of the stories.

Imagination stories

Freja, Frida, Augusta, Maja, Mathilde, Camilla and Fiona:

Over the past weeks we have been preparing for imaginationugen. The week is a creative week where we make Christmas decorations, bake, play concerts and much more, all of which raises money for support projects and other good causes. In this context, we have interviewed Bertil and Leonhart about why they have chosen music as their imagination subject. They answered the following:

Bertil and Leonhart

"Well, we chose music as a subject because we love music and want to help make a great concert that goes to a good cause."

We also asked them what they were doing.

Bertil and Leonhart
"Right now we are discussing what to play. At the end of imaginationugen we will perform a concert and there is a lot to prepare."

You can look forward to a great concert with lots of great music and good atmosphere.

Carlotta, Nico, Carl-Emil and Frederik:

The Film-Team devided into 4 groups. They are going to create different shortfilms with different themes such as Comedy, Horror, Daydream and Timepocket. We all can be exited for the results!

Oliver and Oscar:

We have followed music video/podcast, where they make a music video or a podcast, so it's kind of up to them what they want to do while they practice. The guys have certainly chosen to do hopefully a huge after-school banger.

It was a small taste of Imagination Week. We can't wait for it to really get going.

Photos, Videos & Articles

After each period, we collect the best memories that the students have created themselves. This can manifest itself in photos, videos and articles that students submit to our own little competition.

On Friday, the PVA competition was decided and the prizes were awarded. Below you can see the winners.

Best of the best: Marcus Melau - THE RADIO CALL - Video and 3 pictures - Sailing in Rønbjerg

Photo finder: Karoline Laursen - P1 Myths and Legends

Video finder: Emma Christensen - P1 Surf - "A week in Klitmøller"

Article finder: Ida Marie Holm Jørgensen "A World of Free Imagination and Graffiti Boxes Aalborg"

See the photos, videos and articles in the Facebook group here: Photo, Video & Article Competition - Ranum Efterskole College

Stacks of packages

One last little story.

We have never seen the mailroom as full as it has been this week. Packages have been pouring in, and of course from all the lovely parents who are sending favourite snacks and little niceties. There are loud cheers after dinner when the chairman picks up parcels for the contact group, and it's touching to see how much it actually means to receive a parcel and a greeting from home. So please keep at it if you're out there thinking about it.

Congratulations to all the lucky winners and to all of us for following the many great stories.

The weekend has already startedand it's full of Christmas cheer. So if you're one of those people trying to avoid "All I want for christmas", probably don't follow along on Instagram this weekend. We, on the other hand, don't think it's too early at all. We need to get into the Christmas spirit, and we're kicking it off with Christmas chief ball, decorating houses, rock-clicker fun and Christmas movies.

There will also be the opportunity to do sleepovers in family groups, which I'm sure several students will be looking forward to.

Next week there is the IBOand this means that the 10th graders will have contact with different companies and work together on a world goal. And then, of course, there are parent-teacher conferences, which the contact group teachers arrange with parents. In addition, we're ramping up the activities and there are lots of cool evening activities planned. Some are talking about renting the whole holiday centre in Rønbjerg, others about bowling and cinema trips, so after-school life will be fantastic to follow in the coming period.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
