Newsletter image 150121

Online Efterskole Evening, Snowy weather & Online Teaching

Dear reader,

We dreamed of welcoming our students and experiencing the joy of reunion on Sunday, but unfortunately that did not happen. The closure continues until February 7th, so we must once again equip ourselves with patience.

We do everything we can to make an everyday life work with online teaching, joint meetings and many other activities. Our students and teachers together try to keep the good efterskole atmosphere, and fortunately it is possible to meet across the digital platforms, when we now can not meet physically.

Here, you get an overview of what we have done during - mainly digitally - in the latest efterskole week.

3D scanning of the whole school

In collaboration with the exciting viborg-based tech company XplorXR we have scanned the whole school. This means that the four houses plus Multihallen are now available in 3D, so you can sit at home and get a tour. Apart from being extremely useful for guided tours - both for Danish and international interested parties - it can also be used in many other contexts. For example, in the gyms we can insert a video on how to use the exercise machines, in biology we can tell about how the snakes are fed - the possibilities are almost endless, and we look forward to making the 3D scan alive.

Efterskole Evening on Monday

This leads us on to the next point on the news agenda today, and that is, of course, the Efterskole Evening. We hoped we could invite new interested families to visit and show them the school, and in part we can too. We use our new 3D model of the school for a tour, and it is a completely unique opportunity to show the school while we tell about it. It's at 6pm on Monday, so keep an eye on the link here on our website and Facebook page.

Beautiful snow in Ranum

The snow is still beautifully covering the school, and earlier this week Nigel took these amazing pictures. One can hardly help but think of a giant snowball fight with all our students. Hopefully, we will be able to see that soon.

The Green Fingers Project reports everything well

Of course, the animals in Green Fingers still need to be fed, and that task is shared by a group of teachers. They are doing well and enjoying themselves in the snow.

Follow them on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/GreenfingersREC

Zoom, Teams, Messenger: Keeping in touch

Online teaching is again a big part of our everyday life, and we keep it going as best we can. It can be a challenge for many to keep up with online teaching, but there must be great praise from all of us to all those who struggle with it every day. We have to keep going and get through it together - then it will hopefully work out.

The teachers had a meeting earlier in the week, as you can see below.

Shoes on the head challenge

"You take your shoe, put it on your head, stand on one leg and then you tell about everything you like and love," said Ning, who is the mastermind behind the challenge. It's harder for some than it is for others - both to keep their balance and come up with something to say. Nevertheless, it is a pleasure to see the students and teachers perform the challenge - mostly because it is something they do together. If you're in the Facebook group, hop in and see how it goes.

Questions on Instagram

We did a question and answer session as a warm-up for Efterskole Evening, where all followers on our Instagram page could ask about everything about the efterskole life.

There were many good questions, so take a look at the page here (Danish).

Orthodox Christmas dinner with the bubbles

Last week, the Bubbles held an Orthodox Christmas dinner, as the Orthodox Christians are celebrating Christmas on January 7th. It was a really nice evening with tablecloth on the table and they lit up the fine candlesticks.

That was the news of the week. Hold out and hang in there - it will hopefully all work out soon if we stand together on the guidelines and keep the mood up.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
