Newsletter 260321

Easter Hunting, Easter Eggs and Cold Surfing

Dear reader,

As the headline indicates, there has been Easter on the schedule, and we have enjoyed it to the fullest.

We started with what we called Easter Mayhem, and it lived up to its name. 1,000 Easter eggs were stored, found, handed back and eventually eaten. In addition, we have held conversations with the students about, among other things, well-being and getting back to after school after the closure.

Happy reading!

Easter Mayhem

The Easter bunny were very busy on Tuesday!

They had laid more than 1,000 Easter eggs on the school grounds - and of course the students had to find them so they could get a lot of nice chocolate. But… It was not that easy at all. All around there were guards, and if you were caught, you had to hand over all the chocolate.

There was controlled chaos in the big Easter egg hunt, and then it was nice to burn some gunpowder off. The prize was enjoyed and we had a wonderful Easter Mayhem 🥚🍫🐣

Eggs were "blown" in design

“It's a sick hen🐔, who laid that egg, ”as they say in the Danish movie "Blinkende Lygter". And there is something about that, because some eggs are just harder to breathe. This is how it is with many things in life. Nevertheless, they had a nice time in Art and Design. and they all wish a happy Easter, we should salute to say 🐥 🥳

Cold surfing in Klitmøller

“Resilient Ranum Surf team out in optimal waves at Klitmøller,” wrote Mick, one of the surf teachers, about their trip to Klitmøller. It's cold and wet, but they love it! Even if it takes a few hours before fingers and toes are warm again after a trip on the board in the North Sea.

Sofa Session

We love a good ol' Beatles song, and of course we had to play one of them for you guys for this weeks Sofa Session.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
