Newsletter 310321

Profile subject days & Easter holidays

Dear reader,

It has been a short week due to the upcoming Easter holiday, but we have gotten a lot out of it despite it. The profile subject period has ended, and it was the one with two days where the students were on trips, completed and tested their new skills in the various profile subjects.

Today we have had some teaching, and then there has otherwise been spring cleaning and contact group time on the program.

Many students have been at the school since we reopened and therefore a break is also needed to recharge. And then we are excited to see how the country is after Easter!

The profile subjects coming to an end

We have collected a bunch of pictures from the profile subjects below, and they are of course marked by the fact that we have had to stay in Denmark. We have tried to get the best out of the opportunities we have, and it has resulted in some good days with the most important thing we have. Community!

Memorial sweaters - this is the time to order

To all of you parents who read along, here is a little service announcement. It is now open for ordering commemorative jerseys - the first is without settlement. Find the link below (Danish)

Go to order - click here (Danish)

Ready for self-test

The next step in our testing system is that after Easter we have to test our students ourselves. Therefore, a group of testers has been trained so we are ready to handle the task.

Virtual applicant seminar

The word virtual has to that extent become part of our daily dictionary, so when we had to hold an application seminar earlier in the week, it was only natural for us that it was virtual. We look forward to meeting the new teachers!

Appropo's jobs and applications, we are also looking for a craftsman. Maybe you know the right person for the job? It is no longer relevant. But feel free to send an unsolicited application anyway, to info@ranumefterskole.dk

The weekend after Easter we have Casino weekend, and it is always a super fun event where a lot of students participate in different games. Watch the video from last year below.

We have made our own chips so we are ready for games!

Have a lovely Easter holiday

From all of us at Ranum Efterskole College
