Newsletter 090421

New communities, corona poems & weekend activities

Dear reader,

We've had a great start after Easter with a short week that is now slipping into an activity-filled weekend. Casino Weekend is on the agenda, starting already tonight. Follow us on social media over the weekend to see how it unfolds.

The new profile subjects have started, and that means new friends and new communities. Most have spent the first few lessons getting to know each other, and diving, for example, is already getting to grips with theory - they're in a hurry to catch up.

Welcome and enjoy your reading!

New profile subjects - new communities

"Fashion and Sustainability - getting to know each other while redesigning a shirt. We are looking forward to seeing the results,"

"Yesterday we made portraits of each other as you might have already seen," they told from the media team.

"Board Performance is in full swing, and the schoolyard in the semi was full of neat tricks (and a few bruises)." said Board Performance.

Corona fingers

One of the Danish teams has worked with poems, and the topic was corona. You can see a sample of the results below.

Sofa Session

The two original musicians of Sofa Session keep it simple this week, and it comes here.

Weekend full of activities

We are going into a "big" weekend, understood in the sense that there are a lot of students at the school. It's Casino Weekend, and there are big prizes for the winners. In addition, a group will go out into nature and ride Icelandic horses and another group will go hiking from Thorup to Bulbjerg.

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
