Newsletter 230421

Spring mood, French diplomas & Year Book status

Dear reader,

We are enjoying the warm weather that is slowly drifting in. We have more and more activities outside - both in the evening and during the day - and that makes after-school life special.

We tell you a bit about it in today's newsletter, which is ready to read below. Welcome and enjoy your reading.

Spring mood

The surfers took a trip to our scenic backyard, where they packed paddleboards and paddles and had a nice and educational trip on Vilsted Lake.

In Spanish, cultural awareness was on the agenda in its finest form. Food, of course. They made paella together in the sunshine, and if you've ever strolled along the Rambla or anywhere else in Spain, you've certainly seen the big pans of paella. It was delicious, and there was enough to go around.

Profilfaget Yoga took the mats under their arms and moved out into the sun.

It was neither dementors nor ghosts that flew over the school on Wednesday. It was a flying octopus. In a windy contact group time, kites were flown, and perhaps this is something to be repeated soon when we have Harry Potter day. More on that later.

French diplomas

The French students reached a milestone on Tuesday when the diplomas were finally signed. The diplomas are valid for life and are awarded by the French Institute. It is recognised by French speakers around the world and a proof of the students' French knowledge. Congratulations to all of you!

Year Book Status

Let's give the floor to Nigel, who is working with a group of dedicated students to create this year's Year Book. This is the second year of the Year Book and it contains more or less all the after-school life we have experienced during the year. Read on for a progress report. Maybe you can help.

Thanks for all your work on the "Blåbog" and also all your photo submissions to the year book and a special thanks to the Year book team who have completed alot of new pages. 

We are fast approaching 500 pages, with still a way to go to finish everything 
To ensure that you all receive your Year Books before the end of school.
Our Print deadline is 23rd May 2021.
All events after 23rd of May will be included in the digital version of the Year Book. 

How can I contribute during these last 5 weeks?

Browse through the draft and send us
- A quote or caption to a photo - Remember to say page no and explain the photo
- A short text: If you see a page without text and would like to write.. do it!
- A photo: remember to add a text to the photo
- A mistake - If you see something which needs fixing let us know.
- Front page - Black or white (page 1-2) what do you think?

Comment here and / or send small files to nh@ranumefterskole.dk
Send large files (over 10mb) to https://ranum-efterskole-college.filemail.com/
Deadline 15th May.

Evening activity: combat archery

On Wednesday night, Combat Archery was held for the students' enjoyment, and this somewhat dramatic video was the result.

Sofa Session

Another week and another Sofa Session. And once again, a student joins us - this time on piano. Please welcome it.

That was all from the office in Ranum. The sun is still shining here on Friday afternoon, the country is slowly closing up and the restrictions at school are slowly slipping away. In other words, have a great weekend - see you out there!

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
