28 May Wedding Weekend, Ranum Derby & Bubble Graduation
Dear reader,
We're back with the newsletter and it's time to take a look back at the weeks that have passed. We have had a lot on the program, and here in the newsletter you can get an insight into how the efterskole life at Ranum has unfolded.
Among other things, we are going around a fantastic wedding weekend, where a diverse group of bridal couples were (efterskole) married. Then we go to Derby, which was a premiere and a first attempt to make such an event. The bubbles have passed their final exams, so they have now become IB students. In addition, we have included a lot of small stories, so welcome and happy reading.
Wedding Weekend
Many amazing and different couples got married - the tradition is true - and like the color party at the beginning of the year, the wedding weekend is a colorful party where the couples say yes to diversity and people of all shapes and colors. The Multihallen was nicely set up, and the students had delicious food and a good party afterwards.
It may sound overwhelming to have a wedding for 450 people, but fortunately we are pretty good at hosting large events. The kitchen is geared for large portions and many place settings. And behind the scenes for the wedding weekend stood Ning, who handed out lists from head to toe.
The party ended in the Assembly Hall, where there was a DJ and club atmosphere and "floor". Of course, it was non-alcoholic, but it did not matter, because the students needed to blow off some steam, and they did so in the late hours of Saturday.
Ranum Derby
The teachers were just as excited as the students when the Ranum Derby was about to begin. The event was the first of its kind, and it probably originated from the fact that we have a British department manager (Carl), who was inspired by the famous and pompous Epsom Derby. Therefore, the students were encouraged to put on nice clothes, there were shirt-clad waiters with small dishes on silver plates and bookmakers with stacks of Derby Dollars to play at horse races and polo matches.
The students were given 10 x 10 Derby Dollars, which could be placed on the various races and polo matches. The students who eventually had the most could eventually swap them for prizes. But despite that, we were all winners - it was a wonderful and active day, which created many good memories.
If you want to see more photos from Ranum Derby, they are in this Facebook album (click here).
Bubble Graduation
The bubbles will now get the word for a brief remark.
"The Bubble journey has now come to an end. The Bubble graduated from UWC Changshu China and we will now go our own ways and become wonderful adults. These past two years have been very tough for each and every single one of us, we've all faced very difficult challenges but It has been an incredible journey and we are extremely grateful for the opportunity that has been given to us. Thank you so much, we hope to see you again soon!"
The graduation of the bubbles is the end of an adventure that defies corona challenges and extends far beyond national borders. Some of the bubbles came to Ranum over a year ago, and since the beginning, 5 teachers and 24 students from three different United World Colleges have lived together in Præstegården. Now, they have all become IB graduates, and they will never forget that experience. Ranum has been their base during the corona epidemic because they have not had the opportunity to "come home" to their schools - Waterford Khambla UWC of Southern Africa, UWC Mahindra College of India and UWC Changsu of China, respectively.
We hope for all the best in the future for our dear bubbles and wish them good luck as they head out into the world.
Fashion & Sustainability: Sewing course with Stine from ATTER
The profile subject “Fashion and Sustainability” has been visited by Stine from Atter. They have learned to sew single clothes from bedding bought in recycling. All the students were so cool and concentrated and they are now in the process of finishing cardigans, pants, sweaters and bags. It makes very good sense to both learn about and use recycled goods, and the students in the profile subject become skilled at making their own sustainable clothes.
We say many thanks for the time, the help and everything we learned in the sewing course.
Hear more about ATTER (Danish)
Summer camps: Experience the efterskole life during your summer holidays
Summer is just around the corner - even though it can not be seen in this incredibly wet and cold month of May - and it is of course possible again this year to come to Sommercamp at Ranum. This year you can choose a camp that suits you, and at the same time get the efterskole experience with new friends from all over the world.
You can find the different camps here on the website Click here .

For example, we have Cheerleading camp with our skilled instructor Katrine. Click on the image above to read more.
Speed on the motor team in Mou
Motor learning is one of the new subjects, where Ib, among other things, takes the students to the workshop in Næsbyhus. Here they "make" engines and get dirty fingers when they dive under the bonnet. Earlier this week, they were at the go-cart track in Mou, where they competed in getting over the finish line first.
Spring is coming… slowly
If we disregard the weather of the past week, then there have been spring sensations. And it can be felt. We move out more and more, and around the school's outdoor common areas, the students stay more and more.
Something magical happens to the efterskole life, and who doesn’t love the warm bright days and evenings?
Cool surfers in Trend
Board Performance is a profile subject that loves to stand by. Skateboards, longboards, surf and windsurfboards. They go through it all, and last week the wind was perfect in Trend, where several of the students caught their good breath and whizzed across the Limfjord.
New Students' Day: See you virtually on Sunday
New Students' Day will again this year be virtual on Sunday, where the new contact groups will meet and the new students receive a warm welcome. If you're one of the lucky parents or students reading here, then stop by the New Students page (click here), where you can find links to profile subject videos, the welcome live stram and a lot of practical information about, for example, ordering school clothes, etc. We look forward to seeing the new student group - and not least for the students to meet each other.
If you have reached this point, then thank you for reading along. There are not many newsletters left this year. In fact, right now there are 29 days left of the school year, so it's about getting the last of it. Last school day is today, and the students are currently doing a lot of activities - you will hear more about that later.